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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

Left to Right: Back Row: Johanna Koelling, Karlotta Kroeger, Maria Pintori, Giorgia Terzi, Carol Garcia Calvo; Front Row: Giovanni Cecconi. A group of foreign exchange students pose for a photo in the Hollywood homecoming Photo Booth.

American Experiences from a Foreign Perspective

Allison McCormick, Assistant Copy Editor September 18, 2024

Traveling the world, experiencing other cultures, and learning more about different languages firsthand is a dream of many, but for the foreign exchange students at Frederick High School, that dream is...

Ms.Sheng teaching the class how to make rice balls in celebration for Chinese New Years

Exploring Different Cultures at its Finest

Cameran Martinez, Staff Writer March 2, 2023

Clubs are a great way to learn new skills, connect with others in your community or school, and enhance your school experience. It's no doubt high school clubs have a lot to offer so it’s important to...

The Journalism table at station 4, everything clubs, sports, and fun classes. Starring Jillian Margheim and Kaya Paluda.

2022 Incoming Freshman Day

Jillian Margheim, Managing Editor April 28, 2022

Every year our school hosts an incoming Freshman day. It’s a day where 8th graders from schools all over the district come and get to see all the awesome things Frederick has; from sports to clubs to...

Bathrooms  are a necessity--when you've got to go, you've got to go, right? Yet Frederick's bathrooms are being locked during class time due to issues with our restroom facilities--and the administration and students are both pointing the finger at each other.

Frederick’s Crappy Bathroom Situation

Let’s be real: one of the biggest issues here at Frederick is our bathrooms. More and more, the bathrooms are locked during the school day, and it is frustrating for the students. Nothing is worse than...

We’re Often Blind to Colorblind Students

Alexis Otterbein, Staff Illustrator February 28, 2022

Look at the drawing above. Study it closely. Do you see the green line? If you can't, you may be one of the one in twelve men who are colorblind. According to, 9% of the global...

Car Accidents Will Happen: Be Prepared

Car Accidents Will Happen: Be Prepared

Darlene Strange, Staff Writer April 21, 2021

Car accidents, they happen. Car accidents happen everyday no matter what and the only thing you can do is be prepared just in case it happens to you.   Most teenagers that just got their license...

STAFF MEETING: We Can All Learn from Ms. LeSage

STAFF MEETING: We Can All Learn from Ms. LeSage

Melayna Elkins, Staff Writer January 9, 2021

During the times of covid it can be hard to stay cheerful and always see the best in Everything. Well for Ms.LeSage she makes it look so easy and she sees how everyone can be an artist. “Art is everywhere...

This is our current school logo. Is it time to change it to better fit modern day?

Is It Time To Ditch the Warrior Name?

Chandler Hoel, Staff Writer November 26, 2020

Over the course of this year, we have learned much about ourselves as a country and as a school. As the fight for racial equality continues to fill the headlines, more and more people have been educating...

Students, family, and friends At GSA Summit all got to learn from a drag queen and see what they do during each performance.

This Year’s GSA Summit Meeting Took Off

Elicia Ramu, Editor March 8, 2020

GSA Summit 2020 was held at Boulder County Human Service Department in Longmont last Tuesday. FHS’s GSA club attended the event along with many other schools in order to learn more about LGBTQIA +, rights,...

Thrifting is not only good for the environment but helps you create an entirely new look for yourself that no one else will have.

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

Taylor Dunlap, Staff Writer March 5, 2020

Everyone has their own opinion on thrifting. Many of the stereotypical opinions are that it’s gross or not in style. When thrifting, it’s necessary to look at almost every hanger to find something,...

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