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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

Soak Up Your Summer

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer May 26, 2023
Colorado offers tons of fun summer activities
High Performance For High Fidelity

High Performance For High Fidelity

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

Frederick High School students had gathered to participate in a musical named High Fidelity. These theater students performed a wonderful musical for their audience in the month of April. Many students...

"Everything" is Everything for a Movie Lover

“Everything” is Everything for a Movie Lover

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer March 14, 2023

Does traveling through different dimensions seem impossible? Well in the film Everything Everywhere All at Once traveling through dimensions is not impossible, this film is based on dimension traveling....

Things to do During Spring Break

Things to do During Spring Break

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer March 10, 2023

Starting March 18 all St. Vrain Valley Schools will start their spring break and will end their spring break on March 26. Throughout this break many students may not have any idea what they will do during...

25th Anniversary Of A Tragic Event

25th Anniversary Of A Tragic Event

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer March 1, 2023

On April 12,1912 one of the world's most tragic event had occurred in the Atlantic Ocean. This event had affected thousands of lives as well as taking some. On may 31, 1911 the famous Titanic was built....

Who Is a Man Called Otto?

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer February 18, 2023

Throughout your life, there will be many obstacles thrown at you but this does not mean you should give up. The film “A Man Called Otto” is a remake of a Swedish film called “A Man Called Ove”....

Every Actions Has Its Consequence

Every Actions Has Its Consequence

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer February 10, 2023

At Frederick High School, students throughout the day use the restroom to do their business. Some students, sadly, can not be responsible enough to use them properly. This causes campus supervisors to...

Going Green at Frederick!

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer January 26, 2023

Throughout the years' Colorado has experienced many environmental issues. Many people have different opinions and/or beliefs on what is the most important issue that is going on right now. Climate change...

Free Food Is Back!

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer January 13, 2023

In 2019, a very traumatic virus affected the whole world. Many public places like stores, schools, and many more places had to shut down because of this virus. COVID-19 was discovered in December 2019....

This is Missela Puentes showing off her beautiful eyes as she takes her senior pictures in wonderful Lafayette.

Senior Spotlight: Further In The Future

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer December 18, 2022

Knowing what you want to do in your future is a big step in life. As big as this step is, it hasn't stopped Missela Puentes from planning her future. Puentes' main roots are from Durango, Mexico but she...

Benefits of the PSAT/SAT

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer November 18, 2022

As the year starts students freshman, sophomores, and juniors will take the annual PSAT, juniors later in the year will take the SAT. PSAT stands for Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test. Taking this practice...

Disaster in Denver

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer November 10, 2022

Colorado has been known for its bipolar weather and harsh winters. Many people from Colorado have been used to driving in these conditions, but on November 4, 2022, that changed in the Denver area. On...

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