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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

Stiff as a Board

Stiff as a Board

Brandon Coon, Frederick High Staff December 26, 2020

"Look what I got!" Beth rolled her eyes as Lindsey revealed the box. A Ouija board? Really? How cliche can a slumber party get? "Awesome!" Sarah said. "Macey, turn off the lights." The giggling...

Thirty Seconds

Thirty Seconds

Jake Morris, Class of 2023 December 26, 2020

Beads of sweat ran down Ryan's face. He glanced at the timer... thirty seconds. Maybe my last thirty seconds to live, he thought. There's a stone by the wall. Groping in the darkness, he picks it up...

Just Smile

Just Smile

Kayla Lorimer, Multimedia Producer December 26, 2020

“Uh, Kendra? You okay?” I waited, but she didn't answer--she just smiled. I shifted nervously in the passenger seat. She's smiling, so just smile back, I thought. She'd been acting weird the whole...

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