Mr. Dufour has been respectful, kind, and compassionate to the Frederick family in all settings—in the gym, the classroom, and on the diamond. He has shown through his dedication, tenacity, and leadership to this school that he has been an incomparable influence on the community. This year marks Mr. Dufour’s final retirement from teaching after 33 years of service.
Although everyone has to start somewhere, Mr. Dufour was motivated to get involved. “I was appointed by my first principal as the softball coach when SVVSD schools sanctioned the sport in 1995. As far as a PE teacher, I was inspired by Mr. Galway, a former PE teacher and coach. I also got to teach with him for 23 years. Experience is a key for continuing involvement. I figured out what works and what doesn’t over the years.”
At Frederick, Mr. Dufour started coaching as soon as he started teaching. He worked as an assistant coach for baseball for 20 years and as an assistant instructor for boys basketball for one year. He has been the head coach of the softball program for all 29 years of establishment, and he spent 19 years leading the girls basketball team. Following his retirement from teaching, Mr. Dufour intends to coach softball for one more season before permanently leaving his role at Frederick High.
From the program’s inception, Mr. Dufour has consistently been able to get the best out of the softball team and has led them to great success. He states, “I think we have established and built a softball program with high expectations. Most higher level players have put in the time outside of school which directly reflects our program as well.”

There are ups and downs in life, and Coach Dufour has had numerous difficulties in his career. Even though he has had to adapt to a wide range of circumstances, he consistently finds a way to get better and approach his own challenges in a constructive way. ”The hardest challenge as a coach is cutting kids from the program. Also, dealing with unhappy parents and players. The best way I overcame this was to be transparent and honest. In PE, the biggest challenge was lack of motivation and a few behavioral problems. Building relationships was my best approach to combat these problems.”
In addition to his many accomplishments for the tri town and our Frederick community, Mr. Dufour has cultivated enduring bonds with students. “The most inspiring aspect as a teacher and coach is the relationship that is built with kids. Many trips to the state tournament have always been memorable, each in their own special way. The back-to-back Final Four years is definitely towards the top of my list.”
Mr. Dufour works hard to impart his values in his pupils so they can become the best versions of themselves. He says, “I try to instill confidence in my students and my players. They have to believe in themselves to reach higher levels.”
As he approaches the end of his career, Mr. Dufour has much to be proud of. His contributions as a teacher and coach have had a significant impact on the community for many years. “My longevity is what I’m most proud of. Not too many teachers/coaches last that long anymore. The legacy I want to leave behind is the dedication and commitment to FHS.”

However, why commit your time to Frederick? That’s the real question. The reason Mr. Dufour has devoted so much time and effort to the Frederick community is straightforward: “This is my roots! I bleed blue and gold. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
The words, “I will miss the kids the most,” begin a new chapter that ends with his current one. “Daily interaction with students/players has fueled my profession. I look forward to not having as much commitment and more freedom to do anything I choose.” While Mr. Dufour is looking forward to his new period of retirement; he is feeling very blessed with the opportunities he’s been given, “Everyone eventually looks forward to this life benchmark. I’m just blessed I had the opportunity to work with so many outstanding kids in 33 years!”
Given the significant contribution and influence Mr. Dufour has made to this community. He is a legend who has had a positive impact on a great number of people, whether he keeps rhyming his same old jokes or being a mentor to others. We wish him well in his retirement endeavors and will never forget his legacy as a Warrior. Thank you Mr. Dufour.