Kaya Paluda is a student athlete who is setting new standards and values of what’s to expect. Kaya is an understanding, trustworthy friend who is incredibly passionate about what she does. Her great jokes, kind personality, and warm demeanor makes her someone you can trust and love unconditionally. Whether it’s in a social setting, a soccer field, or a classroom, Kaya’s positive aura shines everywhere she goes.
Kaya has participated in various sports throughout her life, including rugby, which she played until she was twelve years old, at which point she turned her full attention to soccer. When it comes to girls soccer, Kaya is an important player because she is a leader that her teammates can look to as she guides them toward success.
Kaya began playing soccer at the age of eight, and since her freshman year, she has been a starting defensive midfielder for the Frederick varsity girls’ soccer team. Kaya says that soccer has taught her a lot of new lessons and opportunities. She says, “Soccer has given me great teamwork and patience skills. But also I’ve gotten to know someone I might not have typically come in contact with or someone who I would unexpectedly click with.”

In addition to being an elite player on the field, Kaya excels academically in the classroom. Science and writing are two areas in which she excels. “I’ve seen a lot of my strengths in the Biomedical Program that I took here and writing wise I think taking Journalism helped me a lot in that department especially because I’m the editor of the Newspaper I would say it’s one of my favorite academic strengths.” In addition to her strong points, Kaya has consistently maintained a high grade point average during her time in high school.
Since her first year, Kaya has received academic letters for each semester. She will also receive cords for the Biomedical Program, and Quill and Scroll. In order to stay on track as a student athlete, Kaya has discovered her motivational strategies for time management. She says, “I think what really helps as a student is making time for everything that I might need to to get done in school because it comes first but also making sure I’ve left valuable time to focus on sports and myself to stay on track as a student athlete.”
However, what inspires Kaya to excel academically and athletically? The answer is simple, “My sister has always been a huge role model for me constantly growing up and even now she is a constant for me to look up to. She’s always shown me right from wrong and has always been there for me when I’ve needed help or just needed advice. She’s always been able to deliver and help me in any way whether it was about school, work, or even my social life,” she states.

From high school, Kaya has gained a wealth of knowledge, including an understanding of what matters most. She states, “I’ve learned that it’s really important to have people there for you whether it be your family or friends or both, having someone there makes it a lot easier to have balance and have a refresher when you might need one.” She would not alter her high school experience if given the chance, as she has grown and learned as a student athlete. “I have enjoyed my time in high school. I’ve made some of my best friends and have met so many amazing people which makes highschool bearable. Honestly I wouldn’t change my experience here at all.”
Kaya is thrilled to continue her education and experiences after her successful years at Frederick High. She says, “I’m really proud of how I’ve done in high school and how I’ve grown because of this era in my life and I’m proud that I’m able to go to college next year to further my education and experiences.” Kaya intends to pursue a career as an athletic trainer by attending Colorado State University after high school, where she will study health and exercise science.
As someone who is most enjoyable to create memories with, Kaya will be remembered at Frederick High School as someone who everyone can feel at ease around and who is very positive all the time. Before embarking on her next adventure Kaya shares to incoming students about her experience and the value of having fun, “For incoming students I would tell them that they should make sure to have balance between school and their social life because I think from my experience it’s important to not get caught up in one or the other because you could fall behind and having that ball me will make everything a lot easier. But I would also say to have fun and go out with your friends as much as possible because that’s one of the best parts of highschool.”