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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

Johnson on Pause?

Johnson on Pause?

George Murnock, Staff Writer April 24, 2021

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine was one of the three vaccines distributed to most American citizens at the start of this year. However, after a few months of vaccination, Johnson and Johnson were ordered...

Charles Juarez, Kayla Lorimer, and Jacob Noyes just before rehearsing for the Frederick musical, Working. The mask mandate may be lifting, but activities are still requiring masks so the actors and athletes can still do what they love.

Near the End of the Colorado Mask Mandate

Lena Siscoe, Staff Writer April 23, 2021

Gov. Jared Polis on Friday, April 02 finalized his decision to ease the state’s mask mandate starting on Saturday, allowing people to ditch their face coverings in the vast majority of public indoor...

What You Should and Shouldn’t Do With Your Vaccination Card

Kylie Rusco, Staff Writer April 19, 2021

After you receive your COVID-19 vaccine you will get a card disclosing personal information like your full name and birthday, information about where you received the vaccination, as well as what type...

Here’s the logo for people who have gotten vaccinated for COVID-19. The ages of people who can get it are slowly trickling down, but now it’s finally available to those who are 16+.

Don’t Just Sit There! Go get your COVID-19 Vaccine Its Open To 16+

Lena Siscoe, Staff Writer April 14, 2021

Coloradans 16 and older will be eligible for the Pfizer vaccine, and those 18 and older will also be eligible for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. The state has been planning to open vaccine...

In this edited screen shot of an Apple calendar, the green circled day is when we’ll come back to online learning and back from break as a whole. The red circled date is when students will be returning to hybrid.

BREAKING NEWS: January Will Bring a Mix of Online and Hybrid Learning for FHS

Sarah Hayes, Staff Writer December 19, 2020

As we enter winter break, there’s still one big question: What’s next? Well, this week it was announced that we are going into a staggered hybrid schedule.  It’s set up the same as the hybrid...

Gustavo Fring via Pexels

What It’s Like Dating During A Pandemic

Kylie Rusco, Staff Writer November 15, 2020

The whole world thought that 2020 was going to be the best year of their lives yet, but sadly for most of us that is untrue. March of 2020 is where the year started to become different than ever before… Dating...

Returning to online will be a breeze for some and for others, not so much. But for many students, their computer desk has now become their permanent throne once again.

Frederick High Returns to Online-Only Learning

George Murnock and Elicia Ramu November 12, 2020

That time has come again where we are all going back to an online learning schedule, the district has determined that with the number of cases continuing to rise throughout every school in the St. Vrain...

UPDATE: Frederick High, Other SVVSD Schools Closed Until April 17

UPDATE: Frederick High, Other SVVSD Schools Closed Until April 17

Brandon Coon March 19, 2020

As we reported yesterday, Governor Jared Polis issued an executive order closing all Colorado schools until April 17. This morning, St. Vrain Superintendent Dr. Don Haddad confirmed the declaration by...

Back to school night is not a good use of time, especially if students don’t get useful information.

UPDATE: Polis Issues Order to Close Schools Until April 17

Aria Bragalone and Brandon Coon March 18, 2020

Earlier this evening, Colorado Governor Jared Polis issued an executive order closing all Colorado schools, both public and private, until April 17 to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This official order...

With COVID-19 shutting down more schools across the country, CollegeBoard is making changes to SAT and AP testing this spring.

UPDATE: SAT Canceled, Changes to AP Testing, More Businesses Close

Brandon Coon March 17, 2020

Colorado Governor Jared Polis has canceled all state testing in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. This includes the April 14 SAT test for juniors, the April 15 PSAT for sophomores and freshmen, and the...

Back to school night is not a good use of time, especially if students don’t get useful information.

UPDATE: Frederick High Will Be SVVSD Resource Site

March 13, 2020

We all know that school is more than just a place for learning--it's a place for learning and a place for community connection. One of the most worrying parts of an unexpected school closure for many students...

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