There’s always that one person that once you meet, you know they are definitely a person to ask for help with anything. That person who is always willing to help the best they can and as much as they can. And for some that is Jacob Grigg.
Jacob Grigg is a senior here at FHS. Jacob works at Papa John’s, he’s been working there for over a year and a half now. His boss really likes him, he has also been to three different locations since he has been working there, and he really likes seeing how different locations are run differently. Jacob really enjoys working at Papa John’s, once he learns something and does it a few times it’s like he’s been doing it forever. Jacob says “It’s like riding a bike, you get better at it over time”.
After high school, Jacob is thinking about doing something with sports media and broadcasting. Jacob doesn’t know if he wants to go to college yet, but if he decides not to do college he plans to get himself a well-rounded and structured job, If he does decide to go to college he wants to go to college somewhere out of state so that way he can see the different sceneries and areas.
One thing Jacob will miss about high school is being able to talk to different people every day, and making memories with his friends. Jacob will also miss seeing all of his friends every day, it makes him sad knowing that he won’t be able to see them as often as he is able to now, or make any more memories. He will have a hard time leaving behind the good relationships he has had with his teachers, he says “It makes me sad thinking that I won’t be able to see them after I graduate.”
Jacob’s most memorable moment from high school was growing out of his comfort zone and talking to different people. He says “When I was younger I had a hard time because people misunderstood me and misjudged me”.

Jacob really likes playing a few different sports but the sports he really does enjoy playing are Football because he understands it and he likes playing it. He really likes baseball because he likes playing it and watching it. He also really likes playing soccer because he gets better with practice. Jacob played Basketball for Frederick during his sophomore year and really enjoyed it.
As Jacob finishes his last year at Frederick he says, “Get the hard work done your first three years, so you have extra time your senior year.” Jacob’s high school years have really made a good impact on his life. He finishes his last year with his head up and a judge smile on his face ready to see what his future brings to him.
Uncle Tone • Jan 16, 2024 at 9:56 pm
That’s my Nephew! Very happy and Proud of you!! Keep up the hard work!