During the first week of February, Fredericks Student Council is holding the school’s annual Wish Week. Every year Frederick has one week to help sponsors Make a Wish. Make A Wish is a company that makes wishes and dreams come true for children that have medical problems. Each year Frederick gets one kid that they get to dedicate wish week to; this year’s kid is a little boy named Ariel.
The goal is to raise $7,500 so they can give the money to Ariel and support his dreams and wishes.
Ariel is 5 years old and has CHAOS syndrome. A syndrome that causes Ariel to have a blocked airway, which means he needs a trach (A tube placed in her throat) which helps him breathe.
Ariel’s wish is to go to Disney World to meet Spider-Man and spend time with his family. This wish will mean a lot to Ariel, he will be able to spend time with her family and get away from all the time consumed by caring for his disability. As Ariel says, “A disability can’t stop me or anyone else—it’s just a different ability.”
Since Ariel is this year’s wish kid we have dedicated this wish week to all of his favorite things. Throughout the week the spirit days for wish week are all themes to any of his favorite things:
- Monday, February 3rds will be Jersey Day. Baseball is one of Ariel’s favorite hobbies, so students will wear their favorite jerseys.
- Tuesday, February 4th is Disney duos. Ariel loves Mickey Mouse, so students will dress up with a friend as their favorite Disney duo.
- Wednesday, February 5th is color clash, each grade will have a specific color to wear that matches Ariel’s favorite things. Freshmen wear brown for Nutella, sophomores wear yellow for French fries, juniors wear pink for strawberries, and seniors wear white for mashed potatoes.
- Thursday, February 6th is super hero day so students will dress up as their favorite superhero.
- For Friday, February 7th students will wear their wish week shirts.
Throughout wish week there will be events for Ariel to help him and support his wish.
On Wednesday, there will also be a co-ed dodgeball tournament from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The dodgeball tournament will take place after school and anyone can join. Each team needs to pay an entrance fee of $30 dollars. The money made from this tournament will go to Ariel.
McDonald’s and Wing Shack are partnering with Wish Week to raise money for Ariel. Students can go to McDonalds on February 5th from 4:00 pm- 7:00pm and 40% of proceeds will go to wish week. On February 6th students can also go and 40% will also be given to wish week. The times for Wing Shack are not yet decided.
You can support Ariel by buying a Wish Week shirt. The shirts will be sold during both lunches on February 7th and the shirts will be $15 dollars each. Students will wear these shirts on Friday for wish week and help support Ariel.