Everybody notices the pom-poms, but there is always that one person in the front who is always encouraging others and giving someone a pat on the back. A cheerleader who always has a smile on her face loves to help and encourage others. Even when it’s outside of school, she helps people.
Senior Ashlyn Finch is a hardworking and progressive student. While also being a part of the varsity cheer team at Frederick. Ashlyn also wants to get ahead on perusing what she loves, so she’s been taking college classes in the medical field. Ashlyn was a flier in cheer for her freshman year and the beginning of her sophomore year, then she learned to base after she was dropped and tore the ligaments in her ankle.
“Even after my ankle, nothing could ever change how much I enjoy cheer”. The value that cheer has brought Ashlyn is that she feels stronger, which makes her want to do better in school. Even with the setback of her injury, she made sure she was always looking on the bright side, not just for herself but for the other girls on the team, encouraging them to keep pushing forward.
After high school, Ashlyn plans to be an orthopedic surgeon because she wants to make really good money, or if not a surgeon, she would like to do medical assisting. Ashlyn wants to stay in Colorado but has hopes that maybe one day she could move to Florida. If she were to move to Florida, she said her dream college would be the University of Miami.
Ashlyn also takes classes at CETC in Longmont. Her classes all have to do with the medical field because she has always been interested in it. Ashlyn thinks it’s interesting, and she likes how she can be able to save lives and be there to help better others. At CETC, her classes are Intro to Healthcare, Medical Terminology, and Medical Assisting. After the semester, Ashlyn can get hired as a medical office assistant. She would love to work at a children’s hospital because she loves children and would love to help them. “I would be a doctor for just adults, but I think children would be more enjoyable to help”.
Finch is known for being very funny; her friends even mentioned that she likes speaking in a British accent sometimes. She also loves joking around with people. She never takes everything so seriously. Ashlyn also danced for thirteen years before joining cheer. She loved doing dance, but it took a lot of time out of school and a little out of her personal life, so she had to make the harsh decision to quit dancing and then decided to cheer to have the best of both worlds.

One thing Ashlyn enjoyed about high school was online learning because she could be home and do anything she wanted while also getting her school work done, and cheer because she has made amazing friends since her cheer experience. Ashlyn’s favorite class is medical assisting because she finds medicine really interesting and fun. One thing she will miss about high school is always being busy. Ashlyn loves her friends and family and keeps them close to her at all times. “My friends are the people I am around most of the time; I love doing fun and sometimes weird things with them”.
Ashlyn is a person to look up to and a person who is very caring and always helps whenever she can and as much as she can. There’s no doubt that she won’t take herself far in life. With the drive and passion she has for not only herself but others, it will take her a long way. Ashlyn liked high school; there were a lot of ups and downs for her. Ashlyn says, “Don’t take it for granted; it sucks while you’re there, but it goes by fast. Then, out of nowhere, you’re an adult and have to be grown”. She will miss all the great memories that high school has brought her as she celebrates her last year here at Frederick.
Jared Barnett • Sep 24, 2023 at 7:53 pm
Proud of the young lady you have become. You make an impact in people’s lives and are such a wonderful person. Reach for the stars and go get them.
Love you Princess!!!!