Everyone’s Psyched For Thescon

All the drama kids are getting psyched up for this year’s Thescon conference and all it has to offer 

Elicia Ramu, Editor

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, this year’s Thescon event is right around the corner. With this year’s conference being so close we had to interview some of the drama kids to see what they were looking forward to most about this year’s conference what they had learned from past experiences that may help them this year. Here’s what we learned while talking to some of the drama students here at FHS.

Starting with Nathan Reynolds, we learned that this is not his first time going to Thescon and that he had been there for the last two years. This year he’s looking forward to the conference and said “I think it’s going to be a lot of fun, less stressed than last year’s. Just more fun with more workshops and being able to spend time with fellow thespians,” When he was asked how he felt about this year’s conference. Along with that and a little teasing from Mr. Crosby, Nathan talked to us about how one of his favorite parts about Thescon was the dance workshops. “We learn a lot of choreography to go with fun songs, we get to learn some unique dance moves that you won’t find anywhere else.” To end it off and maybe even give some advice to some newcomers we asked Nathan if he had learned anything that may help him with this year. His response was, “I think what I learned last year was that having fun with the IE makes it a lot easier to make it to what I want it to be. I’ve gotten superior ratings over the last two years and I hope to do that again but more importantly, I hope to grow with my partner Charles Juarez.”

All the Frederick Scout can say to that is congratulations Nathan and good luck with this year’s conference.

We then moved on to FHS’s drama head makeup artist, Natalie Rusko to see how she was feeling about this year’s conference.

“It’ll probably be a little different, especially since this is my first Thescon not on the main stage. So it might be more independent rather than with a whole bunch of friends or in a big group,” she told us when we asked her on what she thought this year’s conference is going to be like.

Natalie explained to us about how she is super psyched for all of the classes that the conference is going to be offering but how she was mainly excited for all the makeup classes. “ I want to introduce myself and try to get my name out there so that I’m well known,” she told us while we talked about the classes and what they offered. along with the makeup classes through Natalie told us that she also really enjoys the dance classes that are offered there. She told us that the swing dance classes were probably her favorite ones there. Natalie’s hopes and expectations for this year’s conference are that everyone there just has a good time and knows that stuff happens but it’s ok.

In the end, we asked her what she had learned from last year’s conference and how it will help her this year.

 “I learned that timing is mostly everything because you’re going to want to go see all of your friends but you want to make sure that you still have time to do stuff on your own time too.”

Last but not least we went and interviewed Kendall Lecumberry to see what she had to see with this being her last year here at FHS. Kendall started the interview off by talking to us about Thescon and how she feels like this year’s conference is going to be a lot of fun especially since every year is different which always leaves it up for a surprise. We then continued to talk to her about what she had learned from past experiences at Thescon that may help her with this year’s conference. “ I’ve learned a lot of new dancing techniques that will help me with college auditions and stuff that I’ve learned. I learned how to sing better which will help along with other Thescon stuff.”

Kendall talked to us about how one of her favorite classes is a broadway class that is offered. “It’s taught by the same two people every year and they’re just super fun and they teach you some good techniques and some fun choreography.” and if it’s not this class then it’s the combat classes that are also offered.

“I’m excited about my senior audition and I’m excited to just go there and just have a lot of fun with my friends in downtown Denver and learn from professionals.” Kendall finished off her interview when we asked her what she was most excited about.

To finish off, we know that there are probably some newcomers out there who are most likely super nervous about it so we thought we’d throw in a question for them to help them ease the nerves. Both Kendall and Natalie had some great responses too.

“Don’t be scared to introduce yourself to other theatre students because we’re all there for one reason and it’s because we love theatre. And stay in a group of two especially during the night because Denver can be a scary place.” Natalie told us when we first asked her. She then continued by saying “take a lot of deep breaths and if you start getting anxious it’s ok to say “I need to go take a break” and have a moment by yourself rather than just pushing through it.”

 “I would say just don’t be nervous because it’s super fun and you meet a lot of nice cool new people who just love to do what you do and you know they just want to be there and learn. It can be intimidating sometimes but everyone just wants to have fun and there all supportive.” Kendall told us when we asked her for her opinion on it.

There is a mixture of excitement and nerves being spread in the air by all the drama students here at FHS. Everyone is excited to see what this year’s conference is going to be but they are also nervous about how they’ll do or maybe even what’s in store for them. I know I would be seriously freaked out if I was in there shoes. This year’s conference is seriously coming around the corner super quickly and I wish everyone luck on their performances. I hope everyone learns some super cool stuff and had a blast while doing it!