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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

Not Your Average Zombie Apocalypse is a production that everyone will be talking about. As the school is overrun by zombies, a mere five students remain unchanged, and it is their job to put everything back to normal. (Courtesy of Christopher Tone)

Exciting, Terrifying, and Incredibly Humorous

Allison McCormick, Assistant Copy Editor October 24, 2024

Excitement, surprise, craziness, and zombies. The Frederick Theater department is currently performing their rendition of the play Not Your Average Zombie Apocalypse with shows on October 24 at 7 p.m....

Robin Hood and his merry men meet the Sheriff of Nottingham and Maid Marian in Sherwood Forest. Left to right is Ellie Palmer as Maid Marian, Shaun Furr as the sheriff, Michael Allred as Robin Hood, Cooper Dujardin as Little John, Teagan Veile as Alan Adale, Liam Pettit as Friar Tuck, Ella Jackson as Will Scarlet, and Leea Beeker as the stage manager.

Robin Hood Hits Its Target

Isabel Howell, Staff Writer February 17, 2024

The Frederick theater department recently put on The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood, a humorous play recounting the timeless tale of the classic hero. The play was directed by Chris Parr and starred...

The field trip to UNC was a huge hit for the kids in the theater department. They all got to enjoy multiple activities thought their day.

Acting Like College Students

Makenzie Carpenter-Sais and Kaya Paluda April 3, 2023

Recently the theater department organized a trip up to Greeley, Colorado to visit and see the University of Northern Colorado campus to do various activities. The trip included workshops, lunch, Cinderella...

Zach Bailey, Nick Aasmundastad, Ethan Noyes, Justin Valois, Alex Smith, and Tyler Spotts take center stage during the production of The Music Man

The Music Man Brings The House Down

Joshua Bailey, Editor in Chief April 23, 2022

Ever since Frederick's production of Newsies was nominated to perform for Colorado Thescon(theater's equivalent to winning the state championship), FHS has been stapled on the map as one of the best theater...

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