Red Notice Got Noticed in The Wrong Way

Despite a famous cast and intruiging plot, Red Notice isn’t receiving high reviews. How come?

Courtesy of Netflix

The new Red Notice film is getting noticed as a film that could have been better. But is it really that bad? This film has all the aspects and actors that you’ll ever need.

Kaya Paluda, Editor in Chief

What could have been an excellent film has critics upset. Netflix’s new Red Notice is getting some negative reviews saying the film is just like every other adventure/action movie. But does it really deserve this much criticism? This film has so many twists and turns that it was hard to keep up with what was happening and what wasn’t. However, the actors in the film did a remarkably good job. The three main protagonists are Agent John Hartley(Dwayne Johnson), Nolan Booth(Ryan Reynolds), and of course Sarah Black(Gal Gadot). The plot in this film is full of double and triple crosses. 

Red Notice is all about international crime. All of the fun starts off when Agent John Hartley finds out that Nolan Booth is planning on stealing one of Cleopatra’s three eggs; he is sent there by the bishop to stop him. These eggs are very special and something that many people are trying to have a grab at. But the third egg has yet to be found. Booth successfully gets away with swapping the egg with a very convincing fake one. Agent Hartley knew he had the real egg and tried to catch Booth but he slipped right through his fingers. But agent Hartley isn’t finished with Booth quite yet. So, he hunts his house down and Booth is surprised by the unexpected visit. Then agent Hartley takes the egg back. As Hartley pouts away Booth to be taken to prison he puts the egg back in a case and also ships it off. Quickly an undercover worker steals the egg and it gets replaced once again by a fake egg.

  Agent Hartley thinks he’s ready to leave for the next job when soon he is arrested and falsely accused of replacing and stealing the egg. The worst position Hartley could be in was he was sent to the same prison as Booth and even had to be his cellmate. Hartley believes he’s been set up by the bishop. They both get called to meet with the head of the prison and surprise it is the bishop—aka Sarah Black. She offers Booth a deal to help steal the second egg but he doesn’t take it. Booth and Agent Hartley team up unexpectedly to escape the prison and try to beat the bishop to the second egg. 

  Booth and Hartley go through so much trouble together. They weren’t able to successfully get to the second egg so they feel the need to get to the third. The bishop is just going through partners double and triple crossing them just to get what she wants. But who isn’t willing to double cross someone just to get what they want? Booth and Hartley have an overhand on the bishop because Booth is the only one who knows where it is. Booth is kind of a bad partner to Agent Hartley and it’s starting to make Hartley rethink his decisions because Hartley still believes if he proves the bishop is in the wrong then he will have the police and government off his back. He thinks being partners with Booth will send him the opposite way from where he’s trying to go. But he decides to stick with Booth because he’s the only one who knows where the third egg is. Hartley and Booth go through crazy paths to find the third egg. 

  Although this film could be closely compared to films like Jumanji it is certainly entertaining and interesting to watch the plot unfold. The character chemistry thought the movie is stunning and makes the film go by so smoothly. Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds’ humor combined is the best and made the film much better to watch. It’s what really kept you locked in to what they would say or do next. This film is a lot like other films Dwayne Johnson has done but I think that’s what makes his character so much better.   

This film is fun to watch. It had all the best aspects that you look for in a film. It has humor, action, and adventure. Movies like Red Notice are always great because they keep you on your toes and make you really pay attention to the little things. Though critics believe this film could have been handled better, I really enjoyed the whole thing. It was just one of those movies where you’re totally surprised about what the reviews are saying. So, if you are looking for a movie that’s getting mixed views and want to see it for yourself if it’s good or not, this film is definitely the one for you.