New Members Elected to SVVSD School Board
Courtesy of St. Vrain Valley Schools
The current members of the St. Vrain Valley Schools Board of Education. An election occurred on Tuesday, November 2 that will replace two members of the Board with new members.
November 11, 2021
On Tuesday, November 2, an election occurred to determine who the new members of the St. Vrain Valley Schools Board of Education would be to replace previous Board Members who had reached the maximum number of terms served on the Board. The open positions were Board Representatives from Districts B, D, and F, each of which represents a different geographic area of the St. Vrain Valley School District.

The first open position on the Board Of Education was the Board Member representing District B. Karen Ragland, who has been serving on the Board as the representative of District B for the past four years, was the only person running for the position and was re-elected for the next four years.
According to the St. Vrain Valley Schools Board of Education website, it reads “Karen was appointed to the SVVSD Board in November 2017. She serves on the Longmont Multicultural Action Committee, and is a liaison to the Boulder County Board of Commissioners and to the District Parent Group Representatives.”
There was also an open position for the Board Member representative for District D. This position became open since the previous member, John Ahrens, had already served the maximum number of years on the board. Taking his place is Meosha Brooks, who won uncontested in Tuesday’s election.

According to Meosha Brooks’ Campaign Website,, it reads “I’m an aerospace professional, a former math and science middle school teacher, and a Co-Instructor at the Johns Hopkins University graduate school in Systems Engineering. I have long volunteered as a Boy Scout, Cub Scout, and Girl Scout leader and am a current PTO board and School Accountability Committee Member.”

The final position that was open in Tuesday’s election was the School Board Director for District F. This vacancy occurred since the previous Director of District F, Paula Peairs, reached the maximum number of terms served on the school board. This position had two candidates on Tuesday’s ballot, and the candidates running were Natalie Abshier and Sarah Hurianek. In the end, Sarah Hurianek ended up winning the election with over 60% of the votes, according to
According to an interview that Hurianek had with the Daily Camera, she states “Hurianek, who lives in Mead, is a stay-at-home mom and St. Vrain graduate who previously worked in early childhood education. Her two children attend Mead Elementary.”