To earn a graduate’s diploma from Frederick High School, a student must have earned at least 24.5 credits, with requirements in the following disciplines:
- 4.0 core credits of English reading and writing courses, which must include:
- 1.0 credit of English 9 or Honors English 9 during freshman year
- 1.0 credit of English 10 or AP Seminar during sophomore year
- 1.0 credit of English 11 or AP Language and Composition during junior year
- 3.0 core credits of Social Studies courses, which must include:
- 1.0 credit of Pre-AP World Studies or AP Human Geography during freshman year
- 1.o credit of US History or AP US History during sophomore year
- 1.0 credit of Government or AP Government during junior year
- 3.0 core credits of Mathematics courses, which must include:
- 1.0 credit of Alegbra 1 or Honors Geometry during freshman year
- 1.0 credit of Geometry, Honors Geometry, or Honors Algebra 2 during sophomore year
- 1.0 credit of Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, or Trigonometry/Pre-calculus during junior year
- 3.0 core credits of Science courses, which must include:
- 1.0 credit of Biology or Honors Biology during freshman year
- 1.0 credit of Chemistry or Honors Chemistry during sophomore year
- 11.5 non-core elective credits, which must include:
- 2.0 credits of Physical Education
- 0.5 credits of Health (typically taken freshman year)
- 0.5 credits of Personal Financial Literacy (typically taken junior year)
- 0.5 credits of Fine Arts
- 0.5 credits of Practical Arts
Students must also take 0.5 credits of Advisory every year. While these classes can be counted as non-core elective credit and do affect GPA, they do not have to be passed in order to graduate.
Students typically earn 0.5 credits for an 18-week class. Specific classes and their credit descriptions can be found in the Frederick High Course Catalog.
To earn class credit, a student must pass the course with a final grade of 60.00% or above.
If a student fails a core class required for graduation, they must make up the credit through St. Vrain’s eCredit recovery program. If a student fails a non-core elective class required for graduation, they must take another 18-week class. Even if a course is repeated, the original grade remains on the transcript.
Students must also complete a graduation capstone that will consist of completion of the 0.5 Personal Financial Literacy credit and their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) through Naviance, which will be created as part of a student’s Advisory class.
Early Graduation
SVVSD also allows for early graduation at the end of junior year. To graduate early, a student:
- must earn all the required credits and finish their ICAP before the end of Junior year, with 20.5 credits earned by the end of fall semester in junior year
- have no grades below a C on their transcript
- have personal considerations that would make another year in high school unmanigable or of little use (this is determined by the high school principal and a superintendent’s designee)
NCAA Athletic Requirements
To enter a NCAA Division I program straight out of high school, a student needs the following credits:
- 4.0 credits of English
- 3.0 credits of Math (Algebra 1 or higher)
- 2.0 credits of Natural or Physical Science
- 1.0 additional English, Math or Science credit
- 2.0 credits of Social Studies
- 4.0 credits of additional NCCA-approved classes (typically, the four cores and Foreign Language)
To enter a NCAA Division II program straight out of high school, a student needs the following credits:
- 3.0 credits of English
- 2.0 credits of Math (Algebra 1 or higher)
- 2.0 credits of Natural or Physical Science
- 3.0 additional English, Math or Science credit
- 2.0 credits of Social Studies
- 4.0 credits of additional NCCA-approved classes (typically, the four cores and Foreign Language)
Frederick High classes that meet these NCAA requirements (like Journalism) are listed in the course catalog.