The Walking Dead is getting another spinoff series called The Ones Who Live and the first episode will be out February 25th. There are going to be six episodes that come out every Sunday. The show will be about Rick and Michonne who got split up in season 9 of The Walking Dead when Rick disappeared after burning the bridge. The Ones Who Live will most likely have a Rick and Michonne reunion, which people have been wanting for a while.

In The Walking Dead, Michonne and everyone else thinks that Rick is dead which is what it looks like but he actually didn’t die. After the bridge blew up, Jadis found Rick on the ground. She took him to the Civic Republic to help him since he helped her out and gave her a home. After the episode ends, the next one starts six years later. After Rick “died” Michonne gave birth to Rick’s child and named it RJ for Rick Jr.

This is a very anticipated show because fans have been wanting to see Rick and Michonne back together for a while. You can watch The Ones Who Live on AMC+ then after the episode airs on AMC, you will be able to watch it on demand.