Needing to make a comeback for not only the franchise but to save the image of the character, the Nun II certainly came back to wow fans. After five long years, the Nun has made a comeback onto screens.
Set in 1965, only four years after The Nun, a familiar face Sister Irene (Taissa Farmiga) is at a new convent and seems happy and content. But after overhearing her fellow sisters tell the story of what happened in her past, it all came flooding back. Sister Irene has a visitor not long after and is told that there’s been a trail of supernatural killings of nuns and priests, starting all the way in Romania. Romania was the last location where she came into contact with Valak (the nun).
Knowing what she knows, she’s the woman for the job. Fearing that the evil might’ve not vanished as she thought it did, she felt as though it was her job to find out the connection between the trail of killings and to once and for all kill this evil entity. Sister Irene finds herself at a boarding school that harbors darkness and also happens to provide sanctuary and employment for Maurice, her savior, in the battle with the satanic sister a few years earlier.
Taissa Farmiga as Sister Irene, Bonnie Aarons as her iconic role Valek, and Jonas Bloquet as Maurice return in The Nun II, bringing familiar faces with them. Brought to the screen by the ever-talented cast, Storm Reid plays Sister Debra, an American sent to the convent by her family. Sister Debra plays a big role in being Sister Irene’s companion on the hunt to stop these evil killings. The cast brings so much to the table, elevating the film with their acting and the chemistry that is seen between each and every character. This film has so much full characterization, and it brings a richer, more complex feel with all the jump scares and gore.

The Conjuring Universe is such a lightly touched project. As seen in this film, filmmaker Chaves has come a long way from his previous projects. The Nun II was a clear new path drawn for many more and many better films to come. Although the buildup initially was a bit slow, the film quickly caught pace with the jump scares, eerie atmosphere, and just the Nun herself.
I’d say that Nun II is one of the better films within the Conjuring Universe. This film is constructed very carefully, with every little detail in the film mattering. After seeing the film twice in theaters, the little details are what matter most. Being able to catch any little detail will allow you to connect the dots along with Sister Irene. And not to mention, the film was action-packed and scary. There were jump scares, and overall, just scary and gory images. If you’re into the conjuring universe or even just want a good scary movie to watch, The Nun II is definitely worth watching.