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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

 Parent teacher conferences can be useful at times, but most of the time, they are pointless. These conferences take up a lot of teachers time and add stress to students lives, which is unneeded.

Dear Parents: Don’t Waste Your Time With Conferences

Melinda Yim, Staff Writer March 11, 2025

A few times a year, schools all around the world do parent-teacher conferences to check in about the students progress in class. These conferences are typically after school and are around 10-15 minutes. During...

A mural of 14-year-old Native American woman Sage Deal towers over the corner of Tejon St. and Pikes Peak Ave. in Downtown Colorado Springs. This 77-foot mural, called "Take Back the Power," was painted by Deal's father Gregg to bring awareness to the plight of missing and murdered Indigenous women across the US. The red handprint over the mouth is a national symbol that these victims are being silenced and that those who keep their victimization quiet have blood on their hands. (Courtesy of Raven Payment)

Dear America: No More Stolen Sisters

Melina Joy, Assistant Copy Editor December 3, 2024

Si quieres leer esta historia en espanol, haz clic aqui. If you didn't come home one day, what would happen? Likely, your parents would contact the police, a search would be called, and an Amber alert...

Journalism teacher Mr. Brandon Coon scowls at the camera when asked, "show us your teacher attitude face!" In all seriousness, it seems that some of the teachers at FHS don't realize how the moments of cynicism, apathy, and grumpiness affect their students.

Dear Teachers: Lose the ‘Tude

Ana Sliger, Staff Writer December 2, 2024

Most teachers have the mindset of helping their students grow and help shape who they become as they grow older. Although, there is a growing concern on some teachers taking advantage of their authority...

Junior Doris Lian and sophomore Leigh Tilton hold their noses in the gym. With sweating bodies playing sports, the gym should be the stinkiest place at Frederick High, but the sad truth is that dishonor belongs to the large freshmen classes. With some teachers needing to open their windows to let out the freshman funk after class, it's time the class of 2028 to grow up and stop the stink.

Dear Freshmen: Fix Your Funk

Melinda Yim, Staff Writer November 19, 2024

Freshman Felicity Hampton takes a warm shower every morning and uses a fruity body wash that exfoliates her skin and a shampoo that gives her hair the slight scent of a tropical island. After she dries...

Students are getting treated unfairly by teachers, and this is causing problems at Frederick. Being negatively treated by a teacher can greatly impact a students mental health.

Dear Teachers: Stick to Your Script

Shelby Hott, Staff Writer November 11, 2024

Rules were made to be broken. But not by the people making the rules. At Frederick High, teachers have a great deal of autonomy over how they run their classrooms and what their class rules are. Most...

Sophomore Brian Garcia sits in Mrs. Upton's class and works on his assignments. Brian is one of many students with an Edgar, a bowl-cut hairstyle with intricate shaved designs on the back of the head. While this haircut has become a craze in the Latino community, it needs to go.

Dear Edgars: You’re More Than Just Your Hair

Ivonne Sambrano, Staff Writer October 29, 2024

Si quieres leer esta historia en espanol, haz clic aqui. Attention all Edgars at Frederick High: get a new haircut. For those not in the know, "the Edgars" are a recent subculture in the young Latino...

Life after Highschool can be tricky to decide. Going to college is very beneficial, but the cost is not.

What’s Beyond the Diploma

Sophia Zamora, Staff Writer October 16, 2024

Jobs such as doctors, engineers, or lawyers, require college. Many jobs require a degree, and without one, job options could be pretty limited. Certain fields have starting salaries that can make studying...

Having a four-day school week would benefit students and teachers in many ways, and should be implemented.

Doing More by Going Less

Kennedy Fisher, Staff Writer September 24, 2024

Education  is important but some may argue that mental health is more important. Stress shows itself in many different forms, such as: headaches, insomnia, anxiety, constant worrying, social isolation...

Back to school night is not a good use of time, especially if students don’t get useful information.

Dear SVVSD: Back to School Night is a Waste of Time

Ana Sliger, Staff Writer September 6, 2024

Right before school starts, students want to relax and soak up the last day of summer. Students have less time to relax before school starts again since they have to go to back to school night . Spending...

Being new at any school is hard, but incoming freshmen and transfer students have a more difficult than average time adapting to FHS. Frederick's teachers, admin, and counselors should be doing more to inform new students and make them feel welcome.

The Being New Blues

Maddison Nickerson, Staff Writer September 2, 2024

Trailing after students to get to the right class. Was it in the E-hallway? Or upstairs, D-hallway? Can't stop in the hallway and check the schedule; there's too much of a crowd. Just duck into a classroom...