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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

A mural of 14-year-old Native American woman Sage Deal towers over the corner of Tejon St. and Pikes Peak Ave. in Downtown Colorado Springs. This 77-foot mural, called "Take Back the Power," was painted by Deal's father Gregg to bring awareness to the plight of missing and murdered Indigenous women across the US. The red handprint over the mouth is a national symbol that these victims are being silenced and that those who keep their victimization quiet have blood on their hands. (Courtesy of Raven Payment)

Dear America: No More Stolen Sisters

Melina Joy, Assistant Copy Editor December 3, 2024

Si quieres leer esta historia en espanol, haz clic aqui. If you didn't come home one day, what would happen? Likely, your parents would contact the police, a search would be called, and an Amber alert...

Journalism teacher Mr. Brandon Coon scowls at the camera when asked, "show us your teacher attitude face!" In all seriousness, it seems that some of the teachers at FHS don't realize how the moments of cynicism, apathy, and grumpiness affect their students.

Dear Teachers: Lose the ‘Tude

Ana Sliger, Staff Writer December 2, 2024

Most teachers have the mindset of helping their students grow and help shape who they become as they grow older. Although, there is a growing concern on some teachers taking advantage of their authority...

Seventeen-year-old former Lantern reporter Sierra Sanchez holds a fake bottle of beer during Frederick Theatre's 2022 performance of Almost, Maine. You didn't think we would include a photo of a teenager actually drinking, did you? That would just be irresponsible. (Izzy Jones)

Back When Teens Could Have a Beer

Ivonne Sambrano, Staff Writer November 28, 2024

"Cracking open a cold one with the boys" is a well-known meme, but everyone our age knows that it's used ironically. For the entirety of Gen Z's existence, the legal drinking age has been 21. But as you...

This image here shows freshman’s Breanna Macias and Kimberly Ramirez Soto talking to each other in PE class which also shows the social person that Breanna is.

The Social Butterfly Effect

Melinda Yim, Staff Writer November 27, 2024

This is the third article in a series examining teen stress and burnout. You can find the first entry in this series here. The weekend is going to be busy for freshman Breanna Macias. “Tonight...

No Reason to Care, featuring from left to right Dusk, Sam, Cooper, Lars, and Drake, after band practice. (Courtesy of Demi Galvan)

A Good Reason to Listen

Macey Smith, Staff Writer November 26, 2024

Different types of music come and go, and some make comebacks. Whether they stick or not is up to those who listen. This genre is making a comeback, and it's big. “Emo” music is starting to become...

Freshman Lainey Wolf cups her head in her hand as she realizes she submitted an assessment to the wrong spot in Schoology. Even the small stuff on an assignment can cause a student stress, but few students know what stress actually is. It's not an emotion, and it's not a condition--it's a chemical reaction in the body that can be managed.

Understanding Student Stress

Shelby Hott, Staff Writer November 20, 2024

This is the second article in a series examining teen stress and burnout. You can find the first entry in this series here. Freshman Sabrina Guardado knows what stress is like. "First is English...

Junior Doris Lian and sophomore Leigh Tilton hold their noses in the gym. With sweating bodies playing sports, the gym should be the stinkiest place at Frederick High, but the sad truth is that dishonor belongs to the large freshmen classes. With some teachers needing to open their windows to let out the freshman funk after class, it's time the class of 2028 to grow up and stop the stink.

Dear Freshmen: Fix Your Funk

Melinda Yim, Staff Writer November 19, 2024

Freshman Felicity Hampton takes a warm shower every morning and uses a fruity body wash that exfoliates her skin and a shampoo that gives her hair the slight scent of a tropical island. After she dries...

Junior Kenzie Kincaid works on her Boys Tennis spread for the Frederick Blueprint in her yearbook class. Kenzie spends most of her school days juggling classwork, homework, work, chores, and her own mental health. If this pressure keeps building, Kincaid worries that she will burn out.

The Kids Aren’t All Right

Kaylee Ledgerwood, Editor in Chief November 15, 2024

Junior Kenzie Kincaid takes a deep breath before rattling off her to do list for after school. First, she needs to be ready in time for her brother to drop her off at her house. She then needs to change...

Students are getting treated unfairly by teachers, and this is causing problems at Frederick. Being negatively treated by a teacher can greatly impact a students mental health.

Dear Teachers: Stick to Your Script

Shelby Hott, Staff Writer November 11, 2024

Rules were made to be broken. But not by the people making the rules. At Frederick High, teachers have a great deal of autonomy over how they run their classrooms and what their class rules are. Most...

Ryan has been on the Frederick soccer team all four years he's been at FHS. Primarily playing defense, Ryan led his team on and off the field, making team captain his senior year. (Courtesy of Ryan Brown)

RYAN BROWN: Taking the Lead, In Class and Out

Allison McCormick, Assistant Copy Editor November 10, 2024

Senior soccer captain Ryan Brown has made the most of his high school career: he is a fixture of Frederick High sports programs, has taken several advanced classes, and never misses an opportunity to show...

Khloe Gould has accomplished many things throughout her high school career, going from the quiet freshman to an outgoing senior. She has made a strong impact on Frederick High School.

KHLOE GOULD: Right in the Action

Khyra Gould, Staff Writer November 3, 2024

Khloe Gould started her freshman year just like any other incoming freshman. She is now one of the video producers in Frederick High School’s Golden Eagles Broadcast News (GBN). She’s worked her way...

Senior Vee Forshay poses as Abbey Bominable from the Monster High franchise. She wowed the judges of the Halloween Costume Contest with her full body makeup and self-made outfit. Vee was one of three winners of the Halloween Costume Contest, receiving a perfect score.

Halloween Frights and Delights

Halloween has always been a special day at Frederick High. While other schools have some people dress up, Frederick celebrates with hallway decorations, hidden pumpkin scavenger hunts, a month of weekly...

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