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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

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The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

The Student News Site of Frederick High School

Frederick Lantern

Kate Greiner poses for her senior photos in St Vrain. Kate has been a stand out student at Frederick since her freshman year, participating in several AP classes, sports, and being a leader everywhere she goes. (Courtesy of Kate Greiner)

KATE GREINER: Doing it All

Allison McCormick, Assistant Copy Editor February 16, 2025

Kate Greiner has been a standout student of the Frederick Student body for the last four years. Participating in an array of AP classes and sports, Kate is about as well rounded as a student can get. Starting...

Teachers love to pile up homework on students, which to them seems like it will help improve their learning but in reality it causes students to be more stressed out. Homework can be beneficial for students learnings, but more often than not, it just makes students lives worse.

Dear Admin: We Need a Schoolwide Homework Policy

Shelby Hott, Staff Writer February 12, 2025

Homework plays a significant part of almost every student's life. According to a 2024 National Center for Education Statistics study, 95% of teachers assign students homework after nearly every class....

Time to Spread Smiles

Time to Spread Smiles

Ivonne Sambrano, Staff Writer February 6, 2025

This week, Key Club has brought an exciting way to show kindness around Frederick High School by finding a way for others to receive and give kindness to others. This new project is called “Fill...

La Wish Week de este ano rinde homenaje a un niño de 5 anos llamado Ariel, cuyo sueno es ir a Disney World con su familia. Los estudiantes pueden participar en diversas actividades y participar en la semana espiritual para ganar dinero para el deseo de Ariel. (Imagen proporcionada a Frederick High por la Fundación Make-A-Wish)

Delivering Dreams at Frederick

Hazel Mciver Oun, Assistant Image Editor February 2, 2025

During the first week of February, Frederick's Student Council is holding the school's annual Wish Week. Every year Frederick has one week to help sponsors Make a Wish. Make A Wish  is a company that...

Mackenzie Smotts using a Snapchat filter to celebrate the New Year. Being able to set a New Year’s resolution can be extremely hard, but why is that?

How to Not Lose Your Resolutions

Kennedy Fisher, Staff Writer February 1, 2025

It's currently February 1. A month ago started 2025, and if you are like half of all teens or twenty-somethings in America, you made at least one resolution for the new year. So how's that going for...

FHS students Maddix Frame, Valerie Madrid, and Peyton Frame sit next to their pieces of fleece before crafting it into a blanket. With three people, a single blanket can take as little as 15 minutes. (Jami Revielle)

NHS Strikes Success with Project WarmUp

Allison McCormick, Assistant Copy Editor January 28, 2025

As an organization devoted to volunteering, the Frederick Chapter of the National Honors Society (NHS) is always trying to do some good. Back in December, they wrote Santa letters to elementary students....

While a cheerleader for four years of high school, Kenzie is looking forward to joining a different team: she wants to work as part of a doctor's office as an ultrasound technician. (Courtesy of Kenzie Bash)

KENZIE BASH: Cheering for Success

Hazel Mciver Oun, Assistant Image Editor January 12, 2025

Kenzie Bash is a funny, smart, and outgoing senior. She has been a cheerleader at Fredrick for all four years of high school. She’s learned through these four years of being on the cheer team and being...

El reloj sobre la puerta del profesor de periodismo, el Sr. Brandon Coon, le recuerda a los estudiantes que el tiempo en clase es valioso. Se esta implementado una nueva política de Frederick High para alentar a los estudiantes a estar en clase y minimizar sus ausencias y retrasos.

El Segundo Semestre Comienza Una Nueva Política De Asistencia

Ivonne Sambrano, Staff Writer January 9, 2025

A medida que los estudiantes regresen a Frederick High este semestre, volverán a una nueva política escolar destinada a mejorar la asistencia de los estudiantes. El administrador de FHS mantendrá un...

Second Semester Starts New Attendance Policy

Second Semester Starts New Attendance Policy

Carson Birdsall, Staff Writer January 6, 2025

As students return to Frederick High this semester, they will be returning to a new school policy aimed at improving student attendance. The FHS admin will keep a tally of every tardy and absence a...

Max Urlik has completed high school, making friends and memories along the way. Urlik enjoyed the police academy class and wants to become an artillery officer. (Courtesy of Max Urlik)

MAX URLIK: A Snippet of Someone Else

Khyra Gould, Staff Writer January 5, 2025

Senior Max Urlik started high school like most kids, quiet, shy and kept to himself. As he went through high school, he’s become a well-known student around his community. As he works his way up to being...

Taking photos can be tricky at times, but knowing how to use a camera and get good angles will help. There are certain rules that come with taking photos, and that can help the picture turn out better.

Picture Perfect

Sophia Zamora, Staff Writer January 4, 2025

How many photos are on your phone? According to a recent survey, the average American has 2,795 photos on their phone and takes around six photos every day, 53% of which they then share on social media....

Class registration, which is normally done via app, will now take place primarily in the counseling office, with counselors using sheets of paper filled out by each student. This is the result of an error on Infinite Campus that has added a wrinkle in the normally smooth registration process.

Class Registration Sooner, on Paper This Year

Carson Birdsall, Staff Writer January 3, 2025

When Frederick High's freshmen, sophomores, and juniors return from Winter Break on Tuesday, January 7, they won't just need to be thinking about a new semester—they need to start thinking about next...

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