Pick up your pick ax, because the annual celebration of Frederick’s mining heritage is just around the corner. The 21st annual Miners Day festivities will be held on September 16 at Frederick’s Centennial Park.
For those who have never been, Miners Day is a full-day event that began as a way to honor our town’s mining heritage. The day will begin at 8 a.m. in downtown Frederick with a wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the founders of our community. The parade will start at 10 a.m., snaking through downtown Frederick and ending in Centennial Park. Throughout the day, there will be a burro race, food trucks, booths, live music performances, and an electric car show. At 9 p.m., the day will wrap up with a fireworks display.
Renae Lehr, Frederick’s public information officer, says of Miners Day, “It’s a fun day to honor and celebrate the Town’s rich mining heritage with our community!”
According to the town’s official website, Frederick was founded in 1907 and was named by three women after their father Frederick A. Clark, who owned the land that we now know as our home.
One of the performances featured at Miners Day is Frederick’s very own Varsity Blue show choir. Varsity Blue choir has been performing at this event for several years. This year they will be performing “On Top of The World,” a fun, upbeat song that is sure to enlighten the crowd.
Kevin Brown, the director of Varsity Blue as well as one of our town trustees, says, “Miner’s Day is my favorite event that Frederick does every year. It is such a great community builder and a chance for us to get together and celebrate our community.”
Miners Day is a fun way to bring the community together, as well as to commemorate the immigrants and miners who dedicated their lives to building a safe and connected community for their families. They are an important part of Colorado’s history and should not be forgotten. So mark your calendars for a day of food and fun in Frederick!