Can You Handle It?
The newest season of reality television dating game show Too Hot to Handle might just be the best of the 4 that are out.
The 4th season of Too Hot to Handle was something apart from the rest. The money ran low, people betrayed, liars, and more.
January 30, 2023
Do you love spicy love shows? Well Too Hot to Handle might just be the perfect one for you. This show is definitely spicy but don’t let that fool you because if you break the rules you lose money. Too Hot to Handle is definitely hot on Netflix with their newest season 4. The season has been said to be the best of the 4. It was everything from suspenseful, nerve racking, and questionable with classic reality tv on top of that.
Too Hot to Handle is a group of determined singles visiting paradise to meet, mingle, and remain celibate for their chance to win $100,000, if they fail to remain celibate they then loose money and sometimes if the rule breaking is really bad as we have seen they may chose to double the price that is lost. The main character that everyone despises each and every season thing that chooses what goes on and who calls the rule breaks, etc, is Lana. She is a cone with a voice in it and she sees everything and knows everything, she also really dislikes liars as we saw this season.
But the cast at first didn’t know they were on the iconic Too Hot to Handle. The opening shot of the show was a group of people wearing flight suits walk on a tarmac. SUV’s with a heart logo and the name “Wild Love” roll past, and Mario Lopez exclaims, “This isWild Love, the dating show that harnesses the power of adrenaline to help you fall in love harder.” This makes you think, Wait, what show am I watching? Soon after that the suspense creeps in as the cast is about to figure out what show they’re really on. And just like that they’re all devastated once they see the iconic Lana come out of the smoke. It quickly settled in that their going to have a long couple weeks ahead of them.
Most of the cast members didn’t really like her because she was the bearer for surprises and most of the surprises weren’t good, she always keeps you on your toes. The cast crew didn’t get into a lot of arguments, they had disagreements and mostly got upset with each other if they broke the rules because that is less money that they could possibly win. The constant rule breakers Kayla and Seb in the beginning of the show from exchanging kisses to hooking up, their actions rightfully irritated the rest of the contestants. The pair personally caused everyone to lose over $65,000 dollars.

Personally my favorite person this season is definitely Jawahir because she is really pretty and funny. I felt like she deserved to win the money because she was always super stressed about her decisions between the two guys and ended up following her heart, even though I don’t agree with her decisions. Like Nick over Shaun come on now girl, you really fumbled on that one. My least favorite person this season is Creed because he is a player. He wanted both Flavia and Imagen which wasn’t fair for either of the girls. They both are gullible because how are they going to fall for a guy’s lies, like we all know better. Creed also kept lying to their face and to Lana when he knew that she was like a robot and could look through all of the cameras to see he was lying. This season had everything you need and want from a reality love show.
The biggest thing that didn’t really make sense about the show in general is how they add new people to the show like 4 days before the season is going to end so they have the less end of the straw at getting genuine connections with other peoples and on top of that most of the people who got on the show from the start of the season to the end were already coupled up by the time they arrived. The show also can be repetitive at times. I think seeing different layouts, challenges, and plots would definitely elevate the show and make every season more and more enjoyable.
But overall the show is really good and personally most of the cast are all good looking so that’s a bonus to it. I really recommend the show to anyone who is interested in reality love shows like this, especially because this one comes with a twist that I don’t think any other show has. I was even surprised with myself because this is the first show in the category of romance and game shows that I have actually enjoyed. If you’re looking for a new twisted love/game show Too Hot to Handle might be the perfect one for you.