Free Food Is Back!

Frederick High School has had many great opportunities and this is one of them.

Joselyn Carrillo, Staff Writer

In 2019, a very traumatic virus affected the whole world. Many public places like stores, schools, and many more places had to shut down because of this virus. COVID-19 was discovered in December 2019. According to the CDC, this virus is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. This virus affected about 653 million people and caused about 6.67 million deaths around the whole world. If you got this virus, some tips to avoid getting others infected are wearing a high-quality mask when indoors around others (including inside your home) for 10 days. During this year, schools have shut down and gone online, When students have gone back to school, the government has used its funds so all students in the United States could get free lunch

“During COVID, the federal government had decided to take emergency funds and had provided free lunch. And this opportunity we got to give free food all last year,” explained Mrs. Santos, the assistant principal at Frederick High School.

Although this traumatic event affected people in many ways, the school lunches were free, but this year has been a “normal” year of school. This means that the free lunch is no longer available. School lunch is now a reduced lunch for families that can’t afford the regular price of school lunch. A typical school lunch is worth 4 dollars, but with this reduced lunch, it is 2.50 dollars. Although it was nice that every student had free lunch, a lot of food would go to waste.

“I do not think it’s good or bad; I think it has to do with our resources, but if they have the recourse, they should. I think it’s good, but I think they should bring it back to provide free lunch, but since COVID is already over, they gave those funds away,” states Mrs. Santos, the assistant principal at Frederick High School.

Some good news is that the state of Colorado has decided to take a vote to bring back free meals for students all over Colorado. This has been a new law that has barely been released this year, 2022. According to PBS “All students in Colorado will have the opportunity to be offered free lunch at school. Colorado voters favored the Healthy School Meals for All ballot measure on Tuesday. With a 55.11% yes, Colorado voters passed Proposition FF, allowing districts to offer free school lunches for all students.” This means that all students in Colorado will have the opportunity to get free lunch. This opportunity is very great for kids that can’t afford the school’s lunch.

“It depends on how much funding the state has because it is not up to the school to decide how we give out the lunch,” according to Mrs. Santos, the assistant principal at Frederick High School.

With this new law, many students don’t have to worry about whether they can eat or not. Although COVID-19 is still around, it is good to still take precautions and be prepared just in case you get this virus. Hopefully, by the year 2023, all the students in Colorado will have this opportunity to get free lunch for the rest of the year.