Bella Hewitt smiling for the camera near a waterfall. Most Frederick students know Bella for her amazing work ethic and kindness.
A student-athlete with the right mentality
Bella Hewitt is an outstanding student-athlete at Frederick High School. She’s lettered for both softball and track as well as lettering academically. Bella was accepted to almost every college she applied for, but she decided that CSU Pueblo would be the best fit for her. Bella wants to major in Chemistry and minor in Mathematics, besides academically going to college Bella will be playing college softball at CSU Pueblo. “The academic part was pretty easy for me, but trying to find a softball team was pretty challenging because of Covid-19. A lot of schools were not looking for any new players because the seniors at the colleges get another year of eligibility. But I was lucky enough to find a spot at CSU Pueblo. I thought about jumping for their track team but I couldn’t because they are in the same season,” Bella states.
Bella quotes, “Softball has always been a big part of my life and it has a big spot in my heart, it’s always been a dream of mine to play in college. Softball is more than just a sport to me. I loved the connections I developed with my teammates and the lessons I’ve learned from it.” But Bella also enjoys other things outside of being a student-athlete. Bella states, “My favorite thing is probably spending time with my family. During the summertime, I also like going to the lake with family and friends.”
While being a student-athlete, it’s great to have time management skills, whether it’s balancing academics, athletics, or your social life. “I think softball has taught me a great work ethic, especially when I feel unmotivated.”
“One challenge was learning how to keep up with my schoolwork when I don’t have a lot of time. I had to work on my time management skills and find time to work on schoolwork even when I wanted to take a nap or be lazy. I had to find time to work on schoolwork between practice and other obligations.”
Bella says she is super big on mentality and motivation. “I think I’ve got a stronger mentality from playing softball, it’s taught me how to be mentally tough when things aren’t going your way. It has also helped me develop thicker skin from so many coaches yelling at me or chewing me out. It also has helped me develop a good work ethic even when I’m not motivated to do it. Especially in track because I don’t really like track but I still work hard and try to be better any way I can.”
Bella explains her motivations and how she got through some big challenges, “In softball, my main motivation is not letting my teammates down. We are all relying on each other to do our part. My main motivation in school is keeping up my GPA to earn a scholarship to help pay for my schooling.”

Eventually, everything has to come to an end. “I’ll miss all the connections I’ve made with my classmates and teachers. I also will miss track and jumping. I’ll miss all the fun spirit weeks and dances. I probably won’t see my family every day—I will miss that the most.
Even though will be graduating she has accomplished some amazing and memorable things here at FHS. She lettered academically with an outstanding GPA and worked hard to claim her passions lettering in both softball and track. “My proudest moment of high school is probably going to state for softball my junior and senior year and going to state in track my junior year. I would like to accomplish going to state in track this year again for triple and long jump.” Bella quotes
As I speak with Bella I notice her passion for the sport and I can see her work ethic, she seems very kind and encouraging and that’s just what Bella wanted to stand out for.
Bella has inspiring advice to any incoming students before she makes her way into graduating FHS: Enjoy high school while it lasts and doesn’t be afraid to have fun and go to every football game and participate in every spirit week.
Now Bella will take her next steps towards success as she continues to be encouraging and kind, while still bettering herself in academics and softball.