Frederick Advisories Give Back

Kaya Paluda

The front office set up for a Thanksgiving raffle for the needy, one of the many community outreach projects Frederick High has planned for this holiday season. This year, Fredericks biggest seasonal project is the Adopt a Family project through advisory.

Kaya Paluda, Editor in Chief

The holidays are coming up and what better than giving back. Frederick High School is giving us a chance to give back to families in need in the community. Adopt a family allows our advisory classes to help out. Our advisory classes are working together to be able to help fill checklists from their assigned families in need. Adoption day is all about supporting our community and those who need a little extra help. 

The Adopt-a-Family process is pretty straightforward. “Families chosen for the project filled out a checklist of their day-to-day needs,” said senior Sophia Meza, who was a part of the making and organization of Adopt a Family. “Then advisory classes are assigned to a specific family and work on collecting the items requested on their family’s checklist.”

During the holidays, there can be some hard times so we need to do our best to help out those in need with this project. Students will be able to bring things such as dishes, pots, pans, and new gifts, as well as food that doesn’t expire too soon and will stay good to eat, such as canned foods. Advisory is the place where you will get all the information you need.

“Each advisory is automatically assigned to a family. Each student is encouraged to sign up for one donation item (at the minimum) to bring in for their family. This will be a collaborative effort within Advisory on Nov 10. From there, we’ll be collecting items all the way through our last Advisory class of the semester on Wed, Dec 8.” 

  The most important thing to remember to make Adoption day successful is you need to simply participate. This year we are helping out a total of 12 family’s. But in the future, Sophia Meza says, “We hope in future years we are able to grow from this number and help as many families as possible!”

  This project relies on everyone to participate and help out. The holiday season is all about giving back and being kind and this is the perfect opportunity. Any way that you could help is highly appreciated by the families. So, don’t forget to help out as much as you can, and don’t forget to bring in your donations to your next advisory class.