A Smile to Brighten Your Day
NHS giving students the strength they need for upcoming finals
Junior Ella Berrend writes a kind note on a locker as part of NHS’s push to make finals a little less stressful.
December 5, 2018
Finals week can be one of the most stressful weeks of our school lives, being a tough moment in our years as we battle through each class to get that needed grade we desire. With such occasion being ever present on each of our shoulders, many find it hard to barely get through the week without any mishaps on top of a personal life that comes with its own sets of issues. Although, with the help of our peers and friends throughout Frederick High School, students are able to find that source of support that’ll help them get past it all with flying colors. One of these sources comes from our very own National Honor Society community, who during such a hard week take the time needed to make sure everybody knows that they aren’t alone in this.
“Every year during finals week before the holiday break, NHS write out inspirational quotes and messages on these little sticky notes for everybody. These sticky notes are then placed one by one on each locker all around the school to spread that sort of support and positivity,” National Honor Society President Kendal McCarron depicts during an interview. “By doing this, we hope to bring a smile to people’s faces during such a stressful time of the semester.” These sort of sticky notes placed all around the school makes sure everybody gets the support they needed, being placed in every corner so that each student remembers that our peers are there for them anytime they roam around the school.
As Vice President of the National Honor Society, Ella Berrend puts it, “Even writing these little positive notes on lockers really makes the difference for everybody. It really makes somebody’s day or even hour throughout the week, making the work worth it all to see everybody in the school have that sort of support next to them.” Of course, during such a stressful week one will come across that feeling of hopelessness when dealing with the workload that comes with finals week. Although having that reminder present and showing everyone that no one is alone in all of this connects everybody within the school, having that sense of relation as each of us are all there for each other in the same situation.
“We want to show everybody that there is that outlet at this school and that there is always someone there for you at this school,” Ella continues on during the interview. “You’re always supposed to be included within Frederick. We want to make sure everybody stays positive, just having everybody know there’s always that support you can look for, especially during finals week.” As NHS continue to help the students throughout the school with such events and programs created by the members, NHS also has something in store for the Frederick Community when it comes helping others with the holidays.
NHS President Kendall McCarron announces something new during the interview, “NHS is hosting this session this Saturday where parents all around the tri-town area are able to drop off their children at Frederick High School while they go holiday shopping. We strive to create a fun and safe atmosphere for the kids while parents can have a stress-free shopping time without having the holiday surprise ruined for their kids.” This event, which is happening this Saturday on December 8th, is where NHS members volunteer to help the general community during the holiday season in taking care of kids for parents. So all parents can be able to shop stress-free for holiday gifts this season!