“Dancing with the Devil… the Art of Starting Over” Makes You Dance Through Your Emotions
Demi Lovato’s newest album truly shows how far she has come in her journey to be a better person and a better self
Demi Lovato really put her everything in her new album “ Dancing with the devil…The art of starting over” and it’s inspiring and deep.
April 17, 2021
Finally, what everyone has been waiting for, Demi Lovato’s new album Dancing with the Devil…the Art of Starting Over has been released. This is her first album since 2017, four years and she gave us all exactly what we needed with this new album. In the past, Demi Lovato has been through very tough circumstances such as getting sexually assaulted, having multiple eating disorders, having depression, self-harming, drinking and drug use, going to rehab multiple times and so much more. With all this going on she became clean again and then fell back into everything and ended up overdosing causing her to have many very bad problems. Lovato has been through it all. All that she went through fueled her new album to show her fan base what and who she really is and the true person she has become.
At first glance the album is very well put together when opening it in the Apple Music app the album cover is even moving and 3D looking. All the song titles work incredibly well together. Although a majority of the song titles are deep and personal to her. The album consists of 19 amazing and emotional songs that correlate perfectly with an interview that was held between Lovato and Apple Music to help gather background information for each of her songs.
About her song, “Anyone” Lovato said,
“‘Anyone’ was the first song I shared with the world in regards to what I’ve been going through the past couple of years. I feel like it was really the catalyst of the new beginning of this journey, so it was the perfect song to open the album right out of the gate. The rest of the project goes through my story and my journey, so you see where it ends up when you listen to the full thing.”
“Dancing with the Devil”,
“I wrote this song with a really good friend of mine named Blush at the end of 2018. That was a very difficult year for me, and I wanted to tell that story in a song. It was really important to me that I introduced that song in the documentary. I remember playing it for Ratty, the director, and we decided we should name the documentary Dancing With the Devil. It’s so significant and means so much to me.”
“ICU (Madison’s Lullabye)”,
“Madison is my baby sister. When I woke up in the hospital after my overdose, I was legally blind and couldn’t see. So when she came to my bedside I actually asked her, ‘Who is standing there? Who are you?’ It was a really emotional moment for everyone who was there. I was able to take that situation, write a beautiful song out of it, and also be able to express to my little sister how much she means to me and how clearly I do see her on a daily basis.”
“The Kind of Lover I Am”,
“I feel like this is the song I’m going to play people if we start dating so they can get a sense of who I am. I’m just an open, free-spirited person who wants to be happy, and I deserve that. Everyone deserves that.”
“California Sober”,
“I wrote this song to try and explain that sometimes recovery is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and in my case, it looks a little different than maybe other people’s journeys. But it’s working for me, and this song explains why. I hope people can listen to it from a place of curiosity and understanding and compassion. I hope they can try to respect my truth the same way I respect other people’s truths.”
“Good Place”,
“This song best represents where I’m at today. It is the message I want to get across to anyone who’s ever struggled and can relate to my story. It’s an example of where you can be when you do the work on yourself. I hope people listen to this album and hear the struggles, but also come to a happy ending. Maybe this song can help them find the happy ending in their own journeys.”
Although all of the tracks in the album have special meaning to Lovato these specific quotes from the interview feel the most heartfelt and close to home for her. This album has such meaning and depth behind it and is one of those albums that need to be not just listened to but needs to be understood. Demi Lovato is a hardworking artist who is dedicated to becoming her best self and an inspiration to those around her and to those who are going through a similar situation as she had.
When listening to this album the feeling, emotion, and depth that can be felt is amazing and so rare to happen when listening to music. This is an outstanding album and by far might be the best one I’ve heard this year. If you’re a fan of Demi Lovato or someone who’s just looking for a good heartfelt album to make your emotions turn I highly recommend checking out Demi’s latest album Dancing with the Devil…the Art of Starting Over. It’s an album that will not disappoint and will for sure give you a feeling of real music with true and raw emotion buried within it.