The 2020-2021 school year has been a rough one, to say the least, but times and dates have been confirmed for senior celebrations.
Graduating Seniors of 2021 are getting a prom!
April 8, 2021
Last year, The senior class of the 2019-2020 school year got no prom and a graduation ceremony that was delayed until late July due to COVID-19. This caused many of the seniors for the class of 2021 to wonder if they would get a prom along with when their graduation is going to be. However, lucky for Seniors Mr. Young had a plan. On Friday, April 2nd, there was a Senior meeting hosted by Mr. Young regarding details of these events. We were told that we are getting a prom and a graduation ceremony, alongside some other fun events that have been planned. Seniors who were at the meeting got told the specific dates for these events as well as all of the information needed to know about each event. Although the details aren’t fully set into place, we have a bold outline of what is going to happen.
To start, there is going to be the yard sign distribution on April 30th, which is sponsored by our school’s booster club. The yard signs pretty much say something along the lines of “Graduating class of 2021” and you put them in your front yard. It’s a fun way to start celebrating graduation.
On May 14th, there is going to be a senior celebratory lunch at 12 p.m. This event is where students can receive any items that they purchased from Jostens, as well as hang out with friends and family while enjoying a free lunch. The Senior Slideshow is also going to be shown after lunch Later that evening, at 6 p.m, there is going to be a car parade leading to a hopefully senior sunset to end the extremely fun and exciting day.
The following night (May 15th) is going to be the Senior Prom, from 7 p.m to 10 p.m. It’s going to be seniors only, as well as groups of 10. Students who don’t go to Frederick can’t join, and there can’t be any underclassmen there either. It will be outdoors on the Tennis Courts and basketball courts, with free food and games, as well as free entry regardless of what your grades are. Groups or pods will likely be identified by colored wristbands. Students are to follow CDC guidelines with masks and social distancing. However, this prom is going to be as close to a real prom as we can get because the dress code is going to be formal wear with the theme of the dance being “Starry Night: A Prom Under the Stars.” Which, if you ask me, is fitting for an outdoor prom.
Mr. Young also announced that the last day to attend classes for seniors is going to be May 18th. He also said that there is going to be a break from any fun senior activities for about 2 weeks as a precautionary measure to ensure that no seniors are going to be sick or quarantined at the time of graduation. It was stated that we want to do our best to get all of the quarantines taking care of to see everyone walk at graduation.
Senior’s graduation rehearsal will be held on May 28th at 10 a.m. It’s important to show up not only for a rehearsal but also because it’ll consist of ticket distribution as well.
Lastly, Graduation is going to be on May 29th, at 10 a.m. Unlike previous years where seniors would all sit on the field together in a block and families would watch from the bleachers, this year, seniors will be getting 4 tickets each and will get to sit with their family members and friends (whoever they choose to give the tickets to) on the field. The graduation will also be live-streamed from the school’s Youtube channel for individuals unable to attend the event. The ceremony is going to be held in the stadium, as per usual, though it is uncertain whether or not the bleachers will be in use so the ceremony will be mostly on the field.
All in all, it may not have been the year we expected, but we are still able to finish this year strong with the proper celebrations we wanted. So let’s keep looking forward, and have an epic ending to the end of the 2021 school year while finishing high school the right way.