No Meat- Day or All-Meat day?
March 20th, 2021 a day with meat or a day without? A very questionable day but will it be a good break from meat for one day
March 19, 2021
For all, vegetarians and vegans out there March 20th, 2021 has been proclaimed meat-out day by Gov. Jared Polis. On this day you are to not eat meat or any product of animals including milk, eggs, etc. Everyone has very different opinions on this but to put it lightly the farmers have “beef” with Polis.
This has brought up a lot of controversies because Colorado is one of the biggest meat-eating states in the United States. While Polis has declared this a no-meat day. While Polis himself is not a vegan he thought that this would be a very good idea
The farmers have fought back and made it an all-meat day where you eat nothing but meat. One of the main policies Polis ran on in his campaign was supporting the farmers association of Colorado. As for the cattle ranchers and burger establishments in Colorado that is their life and how they make a living, this is what they do.
This action was first brought up two years ago when Gov. Polis suggested that Colorado should put in a fake-meat factory but soon after he said that he was seen eating a real-beef burger at the barbecue put on by Colorado’s Cattle association at the National Western Stock Show.
This has made national news. We asked some teachers around the school to get their sides of the story. “ I have always had the philosophy that everything is good in moderation. We need to find a balance and a common ground does not go from one extreme to another,” said Ms.Dellwardt, the digital art teacher here at Frederick high school.
Frederick Scout has also interviewed Mr.Brown the choir director, “I don’t think it’s a bad idea to let people have less meat in their diet. I hope that he was not hoping to hurt people in their industry in the line of their work. I feel like it’s a good idea but in the state of the world right now it’s already difficult for people to make a living right now.”
With that said, whichever way you decide to go this Sunday either eating nothing but meat or nothing but vegetables. Go out there and support your local restaurants and small businesses.