What Can You Do About Frederick High Schools’ Cursing Problem?

Lena Siscoe

Cursing Emoji

Lena Siscoe, Staff Writer

Many people speak in foul language so often they don’t even realize it. But when do we start to notice the foul language? It has been brought to attention at Frederick High School that we may or may not have a cursing problem. Our goal is to try to find appropriate language to use in school for everyone. But at the same time know how to deal with it.

Saint Vrain Valley’s code of conduct states in the topic of foul language. “Engaging in verbal abuse, e.g., name-calling related to ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation or disability, ethnic or racial slurs, either orally or in writing or derogatory statements addressed publicly to an individual or a group that precipitate disruption of the district or school program or incite violence.” As well as “Directing profanity, vulgar language or obscene gestures toward other students, school personnel, or others.” These statements suggest that cursing in school is not okay.

Math teacher Kathleen Williams states “How cursing is directed toward another person is what matters. What is your intention? Having cursing as a part of your culture and language is different from ill-intended words towards someone.”

Foul language is all around us at school, at home, at work, etc… sadly it’s a part of how our world today functions. “Definitely, teachers crackdown on middle schoolers cursing more often because they are younger. High School is different because students are less approachable and independent.” Says student-teacher Cassandra Dienes.

There has been a reason to believe that Frederick High School has a cursing problem. The administration at Frederick will determine a consequence if they are notified or hear cursing in the building. However, it doesn’t seem like much action has been taken to prevent students from cussing. It’s important to keep each other accountable for our words so we don’t have to experience future consequences.

Some students have similar views as the teachers. We interviewed students at Frederick to get a perspective on what they are experiencing during the school day. Student, Kyle Booker says, “No I do not curse at school. Although, I think there is a problem.” Kyle expressed to Frederick Scout that he likes to take leadership in school by setting a good example for those around him.

Another student, Samantha Davidson, feels that self-accountability should be taken by everyone at school when it comes to foul language. “I think it’s half and half. There are groups of kids who constantly curse but then there are groups of kids who don’t. I feel like a student shouldn’t exactly be punished for cursing, it depends on how they use it. It goes for the teachers as well. I feel like teachers should be better examples.”

St Vrain Valley’s mission is to educate each student in a safe learning environment so that students may develop to their highest potential and become contributing citizens. It’s important to try not to use foul language in school as it affects the learning environment and everyone in it. Everyone reading this go encourage your friends, students, teachers, and administration to always be mindful. Think before you speak!