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MAGGIE HARNIG: Dedicated to Helping Others

Senior Volleyball player Maggie Harnig is dedicated to making the future bright
Senior Maggie Harnig is determined to making her future bright. Maggie has left a mark on lots of people at Frederick High school, and will leave a legacy.
Senior Maggie Harnig is determined to making her future bright. Maggie has left a mark on lots of people at Frederick High school, and will leave a legacy.
Courtesy of Maggie Harnig

There is always that one person who is always involved and is always willing to help, and always that one person who can make a huge change in such a big community. That one person is Maggie Harnig. Maggie loves to be involved and help others. She is super dedicated to being a leader not only in school but around the community. She’s will always give people an enjoyable experience.

Maggie is a senior here at Frederick high school, she has made so many connections with different students but also her teachers. There is one specific person though that Maggie would like to thank for helping her through high school. “I would like to thank Ms. Precht, I got the chance to grow closer to her during my junior year and ever since then she became my rock at the school. She is always there for me when I need someone to talk to and she is always pushing me to be the best person I can. She constantly reminds me that I am doing great and that I am enough. She really helped encourage me through tough times and I can’t thank her enough for it.”

One thing Maggie will remember about high school is getting to hangout with her friends, “Whether that’d be during lunch or during class. We got to create such amazing memories together throughout 4 years through school and school events, so I will miss having the opportunity to be around them so much.” Maggie is one of the crowd leaders here at Frederick along with some of her friends. This year she is able to enjoy and celebrate and have 10 times more fun with her friends as she comes to the end of her high school career.

After high school Maggie plans to go to college or do the semester at sea program. Over the past couple summers Maggie has been attending church camp and has come to have a passion to attend an at sea program for a semester. If Maggie decides not to do the semester at sea she hasn’t fully decided but would like to hopefully attend Palm Beach Atlantic.

Maggie isn’t sure what she wants to study yet but is hoping and leaning more towards leadership or youth ministry of some sort. As of right now Maggie is taking two AP classes and one advanced class. She is taking an AP seminar, AP lang, and Advanced Agriculture.

Maggie is a varsity volleyball player here at Frederick and she is a DS (defensive specialist) . She has also made so many memories on the volleyball team and has had the chance to make it fun and enjoyable for the people around her.

Maggie would like to thank some family and friends for always being there and supporting her. First she would like to thank her mom for, “Being my best friend no matter what was going on in my life. She was there for me when I had no one else and there for me when I had everyone, she always listened to me and made sure I was ok and she would give me breaks from school when I needed them. She understood me and was a huge motivation for me every day”.

Another person Maggie would like to thank is her Best Friend TJ. “He has been my best friend since 5th grade and never left my side, we have created so many amazing memories together, high school wouldn’t be the same without him. He was also always there for me no matter what was going on in my life and always made sure that he knew I had someone that cared about me, he made me feel so loved and brought me so much joy. I will never forget the amazing times we got to spend together over our high school years and how he helped me through everything”. Another quote by Maggie for her dearest best friend.

To end Maggie’s amazing spotlight, here is what Maggie is hoping her future would look like. Maggie would love to have a happy family living in a beautiful house. “I want to spend as much time with my family as possible and just have a good relationship with not only them but everyone”. Maggie wants to help people and be a person for people to go to like so many people were for her. “I just hope to be happy.”

About the Contributor
Hazel Mciver Oun
Hazel Mciver Oun, Assistant Image Editor
Hazel is a sophomore who has been a part of Frederick Journalism since her freshman year. Hazel is also in her second year of being a varsity cheerleader for Frederick High. Most of Hazel’s spare time is spent cheering, but she tries to hang out with her friends as much as she can.
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