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KHLOE GOULD: Right in the Action

This senior has put her boundless energy into capturing the key moment of Frederick High
Khloe Gould has accomplished many things throughout her high school career, going from the quiet freshman to an outgoing senior. She has made a strong impact on Frederick High School.
Khloe Gould has accomplished many things throughout her high school career, going from the quiet freshman to an outgoing senior. She has made a strong impact on Frederick High School.
Khyra Gould

Khloe Gould started her freshman year just like any other incoming freshman. She is now one of the video producers in Frederick High School’s Golden Eagles Broadcast News (GBN). She’s worked her way up into being Mr Marsing’s GBN class as a second hand helper, controlling the room and games just as much as a coach or Mr Marsing would.

With every game that comes, she’s in charge of everything. From getting all the equipment out the doors and setting up for games, recording every move, and putting equipment away as easily and efficiently as she can.

Khloe has always been an outgoing person, with a strong personality and hippie girl fashion, Khloe has made an impact on many people. As she grew apart from Barbie dolls and riding bikes till nightfall, she’s now more interested in funky new colors, dyeing her hair, watching movies, creating new makeup looks and baking goods for her family and friends. Khloe has always strived to be a leader, and has achieved a lot.

Khloe is currently working as a hostess at Georgie Boy’s BBQ Smokehouse. As she moves up at work from being a dishwasher and “busboy,” she now invites customers in and welcomes them with a table ready.

As the years went on Khloe worked harder and harder to achieve what she has today. Although she may not know exactly where she’s destined to be, whether she decided to be alongside her twin sister as nurses, or as a video producer for movie stars and football games. She works more and more every day to strive for what she believes in.

Mr. Marsing in particular has seen how Khloe has learned to work with others and learned to be more patient. She also learned her voice has meaning as she voices her opinions and concerns for GBN and how to get the class running as efficiently as can be.

About the Contributor
Khyra Gould
Khyra Gould, Staff Writer
Khyra Gould is a senior who is new to the Lantern staff. Khyra is a fan of covering movies and seniors. When not reporting for the Lantern, she spends time with her cat Desmond. After graduation,Khyra plans to study Orthopedics at Colorado University.
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