Twisters, the sequel to Twister the 1996 classic is an action-packed movie about a former storm chaser, Kate (Daisy Edgar Jones) who stops storm chasing after a traumatic experience but is brought back into storm chasing when a friend needs her help with the tornado outrage in Oklahoma. After Javi (Anthony Ramos) finally gets Kate to agree to come back with him, Kate meets Tyler (Glen Powell), who’s a cocky storm chaser with a big ego. Javi’s group chases tornadoes to exploit vulnerable victims of the disaster for profit, while Tyler’s group chases for clout and social media views. When Kate was a storm chaser, she was in it to use her invention to try and dissipate a tornado while it’s happening. Tyler learns about this and wants to team up with Kate to help her get her invention to work.
A big plus to the movie is its acting. Daisy Edgar Jones brought her character to life, she fit the role really well and really got into character. Glen Powell, who’s primarily known for playing the “hot guy” in most movies, also really brought his character to life. All of the characters fit into their characters perfectly.
To make the tornadoes look realistic, The SFX supervisor used two jet engines to create winds up to 170-180 mph winds. According to Indie wire, director Lee Isaac Chung said “An EF1 tornado I is right in that 100 mph range, so these were tornado wind speeds that we’re putting the actors through. They’re just reacting to the weather, and it comes off as very realistic.” To achieve the tornadoes rain effects, the team used 10,000-gallon dump tanks and high pressure pneumatic water cannons. For the hail, they used a rubbery water soluble polymer that resembles ice but is softer so it doesn’t harm the actors as much.
The soundtrack including songs from Luke Combs, Lainey Wilson, Kane Brown, and many more, were made for the movie. The songs all fit very well with the western theme and setting of the movie. The special effects were fantastic, the tornadoes looked very realistic and it really felt like they were actually in the tornado. The effects in the first movie were not as realistic as the second one. The effects in Twisters really make the movie feel real, effects are really important for a movie to do good.
Twisters is a well-written movie that doesn’t leave the audience bored. The director Lee Isaac Chung did a great job directing the movie. Chung used local extras from where they shot it in Oklahoma that knew what it’s like to face a tornado. Although the actors from the original movie aren’t in it, you can still see some connections with the two movies. The two movies follow very similar plots. Although the first movie is a classic, the second movie has more depth and is overall more interesting. The acting was really good as well, you could feel the emotion of the characters. I would recommend this movie to anyone who loves action packed movies. If you liked the first movie, you’re guaranteed to like the second one.