UPDATE: Frederick High Will Be SVVSD Resource Site
Back to school night is not a good use of time, especially if students don’t get useful information.
March 13, 2020
We all know that school is more than just a place for learning–it’s a place for learning and a place for community connection. One of the most worrying parts of an unexpected school closure for many students is that school is the only place where they can access community resources, such as internet access and food.
Thankfully, SVVSD just announced that Frederick High will be one of many district community resource locations. From Monday, March 16 through Friday, March 20, students, families, and staff can pick up breakfast and lunch during the hours of 11:00-12:30 p.m. This plan is intended to help the hundreds of students in the district who depend on school for nourishment and would have used district food services next week had school not been canceled.
While there will be no food pickup scheduled for spring break (March 21 through March 29), food pickup will resume if schools are still shut down on Monday, March 30. On that date, SVVSD plans on giving the community resource locations additional resources to help the community through an extended shutdown. According to SVVSD Superintendent Dr. Don Haddad, these resources may include “resources for students who do not have access to a laptop or tablet at home” and “the wider implementation of community wifi hotspots in parking lots.”
While only SVVSD students, staff, and families will have access to the district community resources, you can go to the site location nearest to where you live for service. In addition to Frederick High, the following schools are also SVVSD community resource locations:
- Timberline PK-8
- Northridge Elementary School
- Altona Middle School
- Sunset Middle School
- Soaring Heights PK-8
- Mead Middle School
- Lyons High School (Note that services will only be available 12-12:30)
- Hygiene Elementary School (Note that services will only be available 11-11:30)
- Niwot High School
- Learning Services Center
UPDATE: Due to an impending storm on Thursday, March 19, each site will be handing out two meals per person during Wednesday’s 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. drive-thru pickup window. There will NOT be meal distribution on Thursday, March 19. There are still plans to distribute meals on Friday, March 20, at Frederick High and the other community resource sites if weather permits.