Do you like cute, comedy, cartoons, Christmas or Batman? If you like any of these, you will enjoy Merry Little Batman.
Merry Little Batman is a movie that was released recently on December 8th 2023. It’s a fun and lighthearted take on the Batman universe with the date in the movie starting out on Christmas eve, perfect for the holiday season. The movie follows Batman as he navigates through a series of misadventures during the Christmas season. The movie opens up with Batman’s kid, Damian chasing his cat Selena around the house as it gets you hooked from the start. It shows lots of humor right from the beginning. One of the highlights of the film is the comedy. It’s one of the top things about this movie that keeps you hanging off your chair. The movie also does a great job of capturing the story of Batman while adding a festive and family twist.
As you go through the movie, Batman gets a call for “crime” on Christmas Eve to leave the house. Damian is trying to make him stay well because it is Christmas Eve overall. He keeps trying to convince his dad to take him to be a superhero once again, but then quickly disappoints his dad as he tries to sneak away with him but gets caught. Damian then makes a plan to trick the butler to train while his dad is gone so he can leave with his dad eventually. Damian accidentally spills ice cream on an outlet which triggers the gate to open. This leads 2 burglars to come to the house while Damian is home alone. This triggers Damian to fight back to prove to his dad he is ready to be a superhero. As he’s fighting the 2 burglars it goes through tons of funny scenes keeping you still involved in the film. It’s kind of a replica of “Home Alone”, how he tricks them to leave but the burglars took his belt. Damian sneaks down to his dads not so secret layer where he finds his own bat suit that his dad made for him in the future. To find out what happens in the rest of the movie, you can watch this on Amazon Prime.

Overall, Merry Little Batman is a delightful and enjoyable movie that combines the excitement of the Batman universe with the holiday spirit. It’s a perfect choice for Batman fans, Christmas fans or just any cartoon fans in general and anyone looking for a fun and entertaining film.