Gen V is the newest TV show set in The Boys Universe, revolving around a group of college students and their uncovering the secret of their campus. It is a satire of the teen superhero media and also Xmen. The story has a ton of twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat.
The first episode of the series starts with a surprise that mimics the first episode of The Boys, and the end of the episode has one more twist that is cleverly not foreshadowed by the trailers or the show’s promo image. Also, the story builds up the mystery of what the school is doing well, and it makes the viewer theorize what’s going on. It’s very cool that we are able to see a superhero’s point of view of the world since we got a very tiny look into the world of superheroes. Also, the show shows how much the supes are used as products for the big companies. The music choice in the show is good and feels like it fits perfectly into the show, which makes the watching experience more enjoyable.
The characters are alright; they are not the best, but definitely not the worst. The characters flaws are very essential and show the characters are not heroes, which is important to the worldbuilding by showing that not everything is black and white. Also, the story is made more fun because the main characters are bad at their jobs and feel like underdogs for the entire time. But the characters can feel a little annoying sometimes, but it’s not that big of a deal when the show is unwatchable.
What made this series so enjoyable is the differing points of view, like when the villain feels real and you can see where they are coming from and another character starts to believe that supes are superior to humans and are being held down by them. The inclusion of one character from The Boys kind of feels like he was just added for the audience to be excited to see their favorite character and had very little impact on the episode that they were added to, which makes it feel like a very last-minute addition. In conclusion, Gen V is a good TV show to watch if you like superheroes, especially teen superheroes, and if you enjoy The Boys, you should definitely watch it. If you are interested in the show, make sure to start binge-watching because the season finale aired on November 3rd giving you the whole season to binge.