If you’re a music fan, you probably spend hours and hours jamming to your favorite artists whether it’s at school, at work, working out, in the car or at your house. When you have a strong love for a specific song, artist or band, you typically want to see them in concert. There’s something special about the atmosphere of a live performance or the energy of the crowd or just living in the moment of a song. But here’s the catch, concert tickets are getting so expensive to the point that you can’t afford them anymore. As a high school student that plays sports and has a job, one of the things I want to spend my money on is concert tickets but with prices so high, its almost impossible to buy a concert ticket with a starting price of just $200-$300 for nosebleeds.
Why should ticket prices be lowered?
When you’re in high school and like music, going to concerts with friends or family is like a core memory, you will remember it for the rest of your life. High school is a time of you finding your place and who you are. Music can play a huge role in this. Music, especially live, allows us to connect and express ourselves. Lowering ticket prices would make these experiences more enjoyable. Attending concerts exposes us to different people, cultures, styles and more. You can learn so much about the people around you and the people performing. You meet so many different people from all around the state or even out of state. Lowering the price also can encourage new generations to become musicians, artists and music enthusiasts. If you have a passion for music that you want to pursue in the future, going to concerts can be a cool learning experience, but if you want front row to get that experience, good luck! You will be spending anywhere from $700-$6,000 PER TICKET. Why would you want to spend that much money on ONE ticket? It’s nowhere near affordable.

(Emma Phillips)
Concerts are mainly for the support of the artist or band. They’re trying to mark their history and pursue their dream. From almost all of the concerts I’ve been to, every single one of the artists is so very thankful for everyone that was there. As fans, we repay them by buying tickets to see them in concert.
Back in 2013, you could get concert tickets between $25-$40 no matter where you sat. There’s no way in 2023 you can find any sort of ticket for as low as $50. 3 years ago, at Empire field at Mile High in Denver, CO, famous and well known artists like Kenney Chesney, Rolling Stones, Justin Bieber and more, were selling tickets for $150-$200 for the 100’s section per ticket. Artists like Taylor Swift, Morgan Wallen, and Ed Sheeran just recently sold tickets for their concerts, starting at $275-$400 for the 100’s section. That’s not even that close to the stage and it’s not even affordable.

(Emma Phillips)
Lowering concert ticket prices isn’t just about saving money or spending all your money on one night, It’s about living a cool and fun experience and being in a society where everyone there has one BIG thing in common. One thing you do almost every day is listen to music. Whether that’s for the 5 minute drive to work or school, the background music in a grocery store, whether you know it or not, you probably have already listened to some sort of music today.