Trinity Metcalf is showing off her style in her senior photos with this blue puffy dress as she poses on a bridge for her senior photos.
SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Walking Through High School In Style
From freshman year to senior year, Trinity Metcalf has grown not only as a person but also within her fashion sense.
Three words. Fashion, style, and Texas. Frederick High School senior Trinity Metcalf is a loving Texas-born and raised girl with a serious sense of fashion. Since day one of her high school career Trinity has walked through the front doors of the school with a seriously amazing and unique fashion sense. Since then she has grown into someone who always impresses you with her fashion sense and all of the fun outfits that she’s able to put together.
“The thing that makes me interesting is my style and my personality. I think I’ve grown my style since freshman year and have become more daring with my fashion considering I wore basic shirts and skinny jeans that year. For the people that got to know me would know that I can be very talkative and not shy at all.”
Even with growing up in Texas for 14 years and then moving to Colorado four years ago, people would agree with Trinity when she says:
“I feel I grew more as a person and became more opinionated on subjects that weren’t talked about as much,” Trinity said when asked how growing up in Texas differed from growing up in Colorado.
This isn’t to say that Trinity doesn’t miss her life in Texas. The thought of attending college down there and being closer to friends and family has crossed her mind before. When asked what she misses most about Texas though she says:
“I don’t really miss living in Texas, it’s more missing the family that’s there than anything. I’ve applied to Texas A&M and the University of Texas so I have thought about going to college there but I’m not sure if I would want to go there yet.”
Looking back on Trinity’s high school career and then moving to look at her senior year in itself one thing for sure and that’s that she had pictured her senior year a lot different compared to what it’s turning out to be now.
“My senior year has been an unexpected journey. When I was 15 and imagining what my senior year would be like I never imagined I would be doing it during a pandemic. At the beginning of my senior year, it was frustrating not getting to do all the normal senior things but now I’ve come to accept that this is how my senior year is.”
With her favorite classes being any of the classes that Mrs. Reveille teaches, Trinity has a lot of classes that she enjoys taking including the CU Sociology class that was offered this year.
“The classes I was drawn to were history electives like sociology or psychology or any history class, surprisingly because I do best in English class the most.”
That’s saying a lot about Trinity as she is known in her English classes for her amazing writing skills and stories that have been written. As for her being in her senior year, it was interesting to talk to Trinity about how she was feeling about graduating here at FHS rather than in Texas. Moving is a huge change and the fact that she moved right before her freshman year was even harder, especially since she had to leave all of her friends and family that she grew up around.
“The difference between graduating here and not in Texas is the opportunities and help I’ve had here unlike the school I was in when I was in Texas. Here I have been able to set myself up to where I’ll have some college credits when I graduate unlike at the school I was at. That school didn’t give me the same opportunities.” Trinity stated. Before continuing to say:
“I’m excited about graduating here. The only concern I have is my grandparents being able to come to the ceremony.”
Trinity has applied to many colleges and has even gotten accepted to a few. She’s still a bit unsure about where she’s going as she’s still waiting on a few acceptance letters but one thing that she knows for sure is that she wants to major in biochemistry or microbiology before eventually transferring over to Medical school. Between college and her goal of being self-sufficient, and being able to afford anything she wants in the future. Along with an intertwined dream/goal of traveling to New Zealand or anywhere she’s able to go. Trinity Metcalf has a very fulfilling and exciting future ahead of her. We can’t wait to see what else she can do. To top things off Trinity left us with this advice for any upcoming seniors or incoming freshman at FHS.
“Enjoy the moment because the years would go by fast and that the current drama won’t matter in the next few years so don’t stress about it, for school I would advise them to frequently check their emails and grades. To upcoming seniors, I would just tell them to enjoy their senior year and talk to your counselor about your options for the future.”