Shalynn Cardenas

Hannah showing off her bright colors and bright personality like always with her colorful wings.

SENIOR SPOTLIGHT: Brightening Every Day

Getting to know more about Hannah Rolf and how she wants to live her life.

Hannah Rolf is a senior at Frederick High School, who is always full of surprises and joy. Walking around the school full of courage, laughter, and kindness Hannah always has something to bring to her teachers, classmates, and friends. Starting her life at Frederick High School after moving from Greeley, Hannah always has something to bring to the table. One of the best ways to pick her out from a crowd is to look for her bright colored hair, her style, and her speedy quickness to get from one place to another.

One of Hannah’s biggest flexes that helps her to stand out amongst a crowd is her hair. Hannah is always dying her hair a new color either on a weekly or a monthly. Sometimes she’ll spread it out but you can always count on her to have a new hair color the next time you see her. Hannah first started dying her hair in eighth grade and since then fell in love with it.

“I dye my hair because it’s exciting and I like to be different. I want to stand out and I like it when people notice because they seem to like it and it brightens their day which makes me smile.”

Ranging from blues, purples, blondes, blacks, browns, and more her hair is something that always makes people react with joy and happiness as they see a new Hannah walk through the classroom doorway. Even people’s reactions give Hannah a good laugh.

“My favorite part is seeing people’s reactions because it’s always different and quite funny when people say “again?”, it makes me laugh.”

This reaction is something you will see from teachers to classmates that are in each one of Hannah’s classes even though some teachers find it cool and interesting to see as well and can’t wait to see what Hannah does next. Another extremely fascinating thing about Hannah is her love for traveling and wanting to travel all over the world.

“I want to go to every country and see every place I possibly can,” Hannah stated. “I want to travel and see new places, meet new people, and study new cultures.”

With having family in Greece, this dream and lifetime goal has already begun for young Hannah Rolf.

“Being in Greece is magical, the air feels so much lighter and my family lives on an island so it’s so amazing to have to travel there by ferry. The states feel more crowded, but the island feels so free.” Hannah said when asked about what it’s like to be in Greece while visiting family.

Another place that Hannah wants to travel to and possibly even move to is the East Coast.

“I love the East coast so much because I’ve lived in Colorado my entire life and anywhere outside of the state interests me because it’s a change of scenery and a new place I get to explore.”

While spending summers and winters in NYC and other places on the East Coast, Hannah had discovered her love for it and all that it has to bring. Including the magic of New York City during the winter, the drives along the east coast during the fall and so much more during the summer and spring.

Hannah doesn’t know what her future is going to consist of. She’s talked about going to college for makeup to help her further her skills and she’s considered the idea of picking up YouTube again and starting a career there. Although it’s unknown one thing that can be said is that Hannah has a very exciting and bright future in front of her. With her biggest inspiration and role model of her sister Lennie being by her side Hannah has a lot going for her. When asked about who she is as a person and what words she would use to describe her you’ll always get the response that is true to her.

“I would use the words: kind, caring, passionate to describe me. Primarily those because I love people and I always want to make sure everyone is happy and that I can help or be there for them in any way possible. I am a very passionate person and I feel strongly about everything that I do.”

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